Sunday is the 15th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death, lead singer and songwriter for the early 90s grunge band Nirvana. That may or may not evoke an emotion in you but if you click on the title above you'll be taken to a fascinating story and slide show about all of the 27 year old rock stars who have lost their lives in various ways. It makes you wonder what it is about the 27th year? Where do you suspect you'll be when you're 27? Guess where I was, you'll see me there just about every weekday....sigh!
Lauren B.:
ReplyDeleteThere is only so much of that rock and roll lifestyle one can handle and sometimes it is just to overwhelming. Many people have to learn when its enough and grow up. When im 27 ill most likely already have a career (if this recession ends) or finishing up grad school depending on what i want to do.
Mike Shep
ReplyDeleteI feel 27 is in the center of the time in our lives when we mature at a faster rate. The rock and roll lifestyle is a very different lifestyle with a lot of burden on the performer. The mixing emotions and feelings and the overwhelming lifestyle of a rocker does become too much and it costs them their life. When I am 27, I will be working on a US merchant vessel and finishing up my service in the naval reserve - over break I found out I was accepted to the United States Merchant Marine Academy.
27 is a strange age. When my parents were 27 they were married and I was just born. However, I feel that now people are waiting longer to get married and have kids. When I am 27, I don't want to be tied down! I hopefully will be working and being successful. As for the rock and roll lifestyle--it is completely different. Rockstars have a completely different mindset. "Rocking out" is their job. So in their point of view, the rock 'n rollers are successful if they are in their twenties and performing for millions of people night after night. "Normal" people would be working 9-5 in the office, but instead these stars are living a lifestyle of music and partying. Unfortunately, the partying and drugs catch up with them and in some cases costs them their life.
ReplyDeleteDani Pines
I honestly dont believe that the age 27 has anything to do with all these celebrities dieing. Being in the spotlight 24/7 is enough to drive anyone to insanity. Famous people are constantly in "rock and roll" atmospheres. Its their jobs to make appearances at parties, do performances, ect. Drugs and alcohol are all over those places. I also think that having so much money just makes it easier to do drugs, and lots of them. Its easy to get caught up in the lifestyle when your so popular and making more money than you know what to do with it.
ReplyDeleteI dont think being 27 has anything to do with all these clebrities dying. I believe it is all just a coincidence. Most famous celebrites start working at a very young age that by the time they are 27 the whole rock and roll lifstyle has affected them. The decisions these celebritites make and the pressure of having a constant eye on them has caused them to go down the wrong path at some point in time. At the age of 27 I would hope to have my own clothing boutique.
ReplyDeleteI hope this man didn't get paid to research all of the famous people who died at the age of twenty-seven. You could probably make a whole list of celebrities who died at the age of thirty also. I do not know if this is any "huge deal." Coincidence? Who knows... Maybe it could have been a little trend. We're all about trends, we always have been.
ReplyDeleteI think this age has nothing to do with celebrities dieing, all that happened was a little more celebrities happen to die at this age, and it was noticed, and now everybody thinks about celebrities dieing at 27.
ReplyDeleteAdi Aganovic
Everybody has to die some time, but celebrities seem do die earlier then most people. I think its because of all the pressure. But still at such a young age he still accomplished so much with his life.
ReplyDeleteMuhtasim Rafid
My theory on these rock starts dying at 27 is that they've been performing and partying for so long that the drugs and alcohol start to catch up with them. Also, they might be getting anxious about getting older. Since they are almost to their thirties they might feel they are losing their youth and want to party even more as a consequence, which ultimately leads to health problems and death. Overall, the stress of being in the spotlight and their unhealthy lifestyle has lead to the unfortunate deaths of many rock stars. When I'm 27, I hope to be a successful lawyer.
ReplyDelete-Jen P. (per. 6)
27 may seem like a super young age for these musicians to be dropping dead but in all actuallity, the drugs and the alchohol that they have pumped into thier system takes a serious toll. Along with the illegal substances that come with partying, the pressure of being in the spotlight can also hurt someone's mental health, thus leading to an early death. It really is the combination of both of these that can lead to a stars early death. The style of life they choose is thier own choice but I hope that at age 27 I will be a successful lawyer driving around my Lamborghini. hehe.
ReplyDeleteI think that 27 is not a magic number that celebs die at, it is just that at this age all the perks of a rock n roll life, such as the constant partying and sex catch up with them. Also, by this age most stars are using some type of medication that when combined with some alcohol or an overdoSe leads to catastrophic results.
ReplyDeleteUribe, Andres per 6
Uribe, Andres per. 6
I do not believe that it is a coincidence that all of these musicians died at the age of 27. I believe that this is the time period that a lot of musicians feel as if they are at the end of their musical careers. Most of these musicians have been on tour, making records, using drugs, and nonstop groupie sex for 5-7 years and they feel this is near the end of their careers. It may not even be any of those things just mentioned, maybe they were having a writers block and couldnt come out with a new record. Either way they decided that suicide was a better way out than disappointing all of their fans. For those who didnt die on their terms at 27 just caught some bad luck and it is a coincidence that they were 27.