Click on the title above to read an excellent article on the inadequate efforts behind family planning in impoverished nations. With a change in the White House, more dollars will now flow to struggling nations to pay for contraception, clinics, and education for women and their partners. But the neglect over this issue in recent decades has led to an imprisonment of sorts for women who have yet to experience the enlightenment enjoyed by their peers in developed nations.
It's a good thing that the government is finally giving more money to these developing countries in order to help educate and provide more clinics and contraceptives. Although women having fewer children can solve the problem of poverty, teaching people in these countries better farming techniques and ways to produce more food would be much more beneifical than convincing people to alter their way of life.
ReplyDeleteWorld poverty involves many things that are mainly caused by overpopulation. However, other steps must be taken in order for circumstances to get better. Not only should women have fewer children, but they should be educated which will cause them to do so. They should have equal oppurtunities, that way there only responsibility is not their children.
World overpopulation and world poverty are directly correlated. In order to put a stop to overpopulation, birth control methods should be taught. However, while the population is still large enough to cause hunger, the US should not simply give food to poorer countries, but teach them how to produce food on their own.
ReplyDeleteSarah MIchaud
I think that having children is a beautiful thing. We have to understand that babies are born every minute, but tens of people also die every minute. For poorer countries, teaching methods of birth control is important but we should by no means ever take away a woman's right to have a child, it is her own personal choice.
ReplyDeleteWe should not be limiting the amount of children a woman can have, just because we think it may end poverty. It's only an idea. We already see this in China, only being allowed to have one child per family, but only for population purposes.
I would hope that a woman would make the right decision, and will wait for the right time to have a child, even if it means, having an adequate amount of food or having the ability to provide for a family.
We should encourage healthy living, and try to teach the less fortunate that there is help out there.
I do not believe limiting the amount of births is the right option, nor is it a good idea.
The majority of the world’s problems, from disease to hunger, could be solved by a smaller population but the problem is that getting the population down takes a multi front approach. One of these fronts is to get women equal rights as men and get them the same education, with these women will be able to say NO and will be listened also with and education they may go search for a job and a working lady won’t have much time for baby making. Another front is the fact that we would have to change cultural views that have been in place for hundreds of years and try and change it in a couple of years which will be viewed as a slap in the face. Now of course if all these fronts and more are met and satisfied then world hunger, poverty, and epidemics will have at least significantly drop or be done with. But unfortunately there is a set back, the majority of products that we consume will sky rocket in prices because the cheap labor force of today will not be in existence tomorrow, but i think the majority of people would be willing to pay that extra dollar to know that stories like Nahomie Nercure will be a thing of the past.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the article is suggesting a limit be placed on births. What it is saying is that women in many countries have such little status and access to services that they feel they have no choice. The woman featured in the article had two men run out on her and suffered no consequences. They left her with ten children she felt she had to have. More education, more services and some self-esteem could go a long way.
ReplyDeleteI agree that if women in poor countries have less babies, it will obviously help world hunger. However, this article is saying that women have no choice over the matter which is a very sad statement. I think it imperative that women in impoverished countries have more education. But how do we help them? With education, more women can have jobs, therefore they will be working and not have time to make and raise babies. Thank goodness the government is giving more money to developing countries because women not only need education, but clinics and contraceptives to prevent more pregnancies.
ReplyDeleteOk, I understand, thank you for clarifying.
ReplyDeleteIt's unfortunate, that these women feel trapped, or even left without choice. The United States has proven to be successful in helping poor/third-world countries (such as Darfur) before. I think that educating these women, or finding a contraceptive that will give them the options they deserve, will at least make a dent. These women have the power to be strong. With the right amount of knowledge and help, they will no longer have to struggle everyday of their lives, just to bring home a small amount of food.
Education can definitely be a great solution to this problem. By educating this society and specially these women they will have a better understanding of the problems and hunger they will face in having a bigger family. They will acknowledge their rights, choices, power, and self esteem they need while planning a family. Therefore they wont bring children into this world just to have them starve.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the real way to stop poverty is to have less children by educating women. Educating women about birth control and contraceptives is a necessity. women need to know hot to take control of their own bodies and have a say in what happens to them. But women also need to be educated in all aspects of the word. they need to have the chance to go study and make a career for themselves. one way this will help the poverty situation is that women will be out in the work force and will start having children at a later age, reducing the time span of fertility. also once women get out into the work force they will not be dependent on men and will actually be able to support themselves. through this they will have more control over their future their children.
ReplyDeletehila yasur