America has had a significant heart attack, and like a human heart patient must now contemplate, then implement a lifestyle change. The country has been munching on a toxic mix of krispy kreme doughnuts, fatty beef, cheese and bacon with little concern for the consequences of those choices. The financial equivalent, of course, has been an economy driven by conspicuous consumption without the means to support it, unrealistic profit expectations, an unbelievable widening of the income gap, and a government more interested in spoiling the constituents than fiscal responsibility and oversight. In your comments, I would like you to thoughtfully prescribe a remedy. Once the patient (America) emerges from the ICU, what modifications will the new and improved nation manifest? How must our country and its people change the way we function in the aftermath of this life altering event?
I think the best way to lead a healthier [financial] lifestyle is to immediately pay particular attention to what we consume. We must take in only what we can afford, and stop the consumption when we are full. A diet may be in order-so it may just be time to consume less. Take one night, go to the buffet, spend those calories like crazy, but then, find your control, and limit yourself. We shouldn't allow ourselves to take more than we can handle, so take special precautions, plan accordingly, and don't take a bigger bite than you can chew.
ReplyDeleteFirst off I would like to say that the picture made me gag a little bit and second I feel that Americas health is where it is because we are greedy and consumed way to much! We borrowed and borrowed money from everyone. The consumers borrowed from banks who were just throwing out money and lending to each and every person without any regards to the fact that those people were most likely not able to pay back loans. Also American as a whole borrowed excessively from China which only adds to the national debt. And now that we as a nation have discovered that our toxic and excessive borrowing is starting to drown us in problems, we have begun to turn it around. I believe the best way to do so is to regulate temporarily what banks can lend and at the same time, attempt to pay back what money has been thrown at people. It may take a lot of time, but we can not expect instant gratification because everything does take time including dieting and cutting back on your own personal intake.
ReplyDeleteThe health of America is the way it is because people have overcomsumed their limits. We borrowed too much and can't repay what we borrowed and that is what is causing a lot of the troubles at the moment. With the bad loans out their (toxic assets) we need to get rid of these and when we eventually overcome this our remedy would have to be that we are stricter with the amount of loans that we give. We need to realize that we need to change our lifestle and make changes so we live in our means and stop all of the debt that is occuring. It is kind of like people that are on a diet. They have to realize their limit and not go beyond that or they will suffer the consequence of gaining the weight back and with the finance stuff it will be that the debt will come back and it might come back faster than the pounds. The main focus is to realize that we consume much more than we need and must change that if any recovery is going to come about.
ReplyDeletethat picture is sooo gross. but anyways america needs to learn portion control an stop being lazy and make a home cooked meal. mcdonalds and burger king are gross fast food chain restaurants that people should try to cut down on. i know its cheap but the after math of it all will hurt you in the end. america isnt only getting fat as in obesity but also getting "fat" with our debt. we are borrowing more than we can pay back. as with people eating we are consuming too many calories than we can burn off. america needs portion control and manage our money better
ReplyDeleteA person who has had heart attack needs to watch what he/she eats and needs to make sure not over eat or indulge in unhealthy and fatty foods.The same thing with America we are in this mess because people thought they could spend and make irrational decisions without any consequences. But too much of anything is harmful, now American needs to make smarter choices and decisions when it comes to spending, also stricter goverment decisions in order to prevent irrational investments. American needs to become more aware of its decisions and realize that everything it does has consequences just like a person whose had a heart attack needs to be more aware of the actions and decisions we need to do the same and we need to start becoming more aware of what we do because it affects everyone in America.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a pessimist...I'm just trying to make a point:
ReplyDeleteMy grandpa (who lives with me) has diabetes...yet the other day, my mom lifted up one of the cushions on the couch and found a BIG ziploc bag full of powdered donuts.
so, to keep with the food analogy-- just because people are feeling the adverse effects of their "diet" doesnt mean that they are going to stop eating those things that are bad for them...or just because america is feeling the pinch on their wallets, doesnt mean that their bank accounts have been sucker punched...therefore, i feel that the trend of the good ole american consumerism will continue.
In my opinion, the proposed remedy would be a reality check, and frankly, I don't know if the effects of this recession are hard hitting enough to provide the whiplash into reality that the American Consumer so desperately needs. People are still consuming frivolously and unrealisticly. And from certain angles-- this consumption can be viewed as a part of the American culture. IE: eating too much, wasting too much, using too many resources, demanding standards catering to the individual as opposed to the community etc. All in all, the world views Americans as fat egotistical slobs. It makes sense I guess...and it sure as heck explains why we are in this bind today. Hence, people of this wonderful Americuh have to reassess their attitudes...no more of this buying "look at me cars" (aka hummers) to suck up gas reserves, no more stuffing our faces with 5 big macs a day when we could really survive on a bowl of rice and some tea like the majority of the world, no more of this producing between 1500 to 2000 pounds of trash PER PERSON a year!! its nonsense! its uncalled for! It's as if we are in ICU, recovering from a heart attack and still sneaking those powdered donuts! American needs a reality check and a SERIOUS attitude adjustment!
A certain Mary Poppins once said that a teaspoon of sugar helps the medicine go down...so in lieu of this reality check medicine, I think (aka hope) that this new administration will be that teaspoon of sugar that makes this pill easier to swallow for Americans. That we cant continue consumption on such a grand scale, that just because you can buy a 3,000 foot yacht and three houses along the coast doesnt mean that you should complain about taxes, that citizens cant expect big government in times of need and then expect it to just disappear when lifes good...I beg you to spare me the ignorance of these people. I am adament on the pretense that times have changed...because its true...we cant continue down this path, or we may never be able to turn back. In MY opinion (which does not need to be contested as it is ONLY an opinion, but if you would like to take it as fact please feel free to do so), having a democratic administration can only help this country recover from this heart attack. Government oversight will be more aptly done as the economy is clearly in need of government interaction. Sorry, but trickle down economics and small government is NOT going to work this time...
I would like to name Obama as the lead surgeon in this operation, but the reality is that Dr. Bernanke is on call--and he's got a lot on his shoulders right now to ensure recovery from this heart attack.
with that said, I hope america learns its lesson! because I hear that deep fried Snickers can clog your arteries...
When our country suffers from something as major as an economic heart attack, we Americans are shocked that this country can even be considered for something as terrible as this. The problem is that Americans consider America this healthy, fit guy who snacks on nuts and drinks water. The reality is that America has fallen off the wagon. Now the vision of America is a big, fat guy who dines on Krispy Kreme cheeseburgers seven times a day. The point I'm trying to get across in this ridiculous metaphor is that America needs to either change its ways by choosing a new healthier, less consuming of funds and budgets lifestyle. Otherwise we'll have to be forced to do it the government's way of a quadruple bypass surgery.
ReplyDeletePersonally this picture makes me want to puke.Just coming back from Europe where probably the most fating thing are their pastries this takes grease and fried to a whole new level.Americans should promote fresh fruits and veggies more than just fried dough, greasy slabs of meat, and cheap malnutrition fruits and veggies.Americans should lower the price of fresh grown healthy fruits,veggies, or lean cut meats (which aren't grown of course). Unfortunately, American society promotes its local McDonald's far more than this seasons fruits and veggies.The media in America should promote healthy foods far more greatly and promote healthy alternatives for peoples lifestyles. Subliminal messaging would work great in spreading the message. Our country must inform us more in schools and press for exercise.People in Europe are thinner and healthier because, their portions are smaller, they walk and exercise, and they eat well.
With the way that america eats, no wonder we have such a high obesity percentage. People need to stop being so lazy and start exercising. Not only do they need to do that, they also need to start eating healthy and portion controlled meals. Fast foods are the reason why people are gaining weight so quickly...I mean you don't even have to get out of your car to go in and get it...drive thru is one of the worst yet best inventions.
ReplyDeleteI think that the best way to recover from this economic heart attack and avoid another crisis like this one is to live more within our means. America is the biggest fan of the "spend all we have and then some" theory. Individuals, big corporations, and the government need to be more careful about their financial decisions. Debt is the new four letter word and its not going to get any better unless people stop trying to live these ridiculously lavish lifestyles they simply cannot afford. So really, the remedy is one simple word that people quiver in fear of: THINK! Be smart with your money and stop living beyond your means.
ReplyDelete~Erica H.
P.S. Why are people commenting on this talking about how fat Americans are? Its true but the heart attack is a metaphore...am I wrong?
Nick Plotnicoff
ReplyDeleteAmerican cuisine is probably one of the worst in the world and thats why it is ridiculed in every other country in the world. This is a similie or metaphor to or economy be all we do is consume things and make our fat or " debt bigger" instead of exercising or fixing the problem. If we dont start to fix the problem know its going to get to a point where there is no return and then we are going to be really sorry and wish we were diffrent in the past.
Are those seriously bacon cheeseburgers on donut buns? Who on earth would eat that? Actually, now I'm kind of curious as to what it tastes like...
ReplyDeleteAlthough the economy needs us to spend now, the cure to the aforementioned problem is to stop spending like there's no tomorrow. If you make $100 a day, you can't go out for a $50 dinner every night. People don't know how to handle their money. Even Michael Jackson is forced to auction off his stuff because he has no money left! He blew it all in what? A decade? People don't realize that money runs out unless you keep working for it, and when you work for it, you have to spend within your boundaries! Just because you see a cute shirt on a rack for $185 doesn't mean you can buy it without facing the consequences of your irrational spending. There is a song that says "You can't always get what you want"...true that. We think that our money will last forever, but we never think about how we're spending it and how it will affect us in the future.
Okay I was giving a metaphorical answer to answer this brilliant metaphor of America's heart attack. America should focus on the alternatives and not allow such a corruption to infiltrate their mentality as they do with greasy disgusting foods into their digestive system. These same toxins planted in the American peoples stomach have attack the brain as well and their decision making.They must act on this epidemic as they should with policies regarding the American people. Not acting or exercising these policies digs a deeper whole and more clogged up arteries.
I like this metaphor. Some people overconsume food and take it for granted, just like some people may spend more money then they actually can afford to. America should go on a "financial diet" to help save money, but spend at the same time. Once the "diet" starts to work, people should be careful so that we do not run into another problem like the current financial crisis.
ReplyDeleteOk...so first of all I would like to say that one day I watching the food network channel and I saw Paula Dean making that doughnut sandwich...sadly I am not kidding, she really did. But anywho, American's need to go on an economic diet, they need to watch what they consume, how much they consume, and need to just make smarter choices.Yeah it might seem easy to cheat and eat that doughnut sandwich (consume ridiculously expensive and unnesessary things, but America needs to see the long term effects of this. Yes, you get that instant satisfaction, but in the long run you make the economy worse and become "fat". As for the government, they need a gastric bypass surgery, they should only be allowed to consume so much on one thing or another, that way maybe our debt wouldnt be as ridiculously high as it is.
ReplyDeleteAnd here I thought just a Krispy Kreme alone was pretty bad. Really, it's no different than putting a Dunkin's glazed doughnut in the microwave for ten seconds.
ReplyDeleteAnywho, following a heartattack, a person would experience these five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and then acceptance. America, I feel, will experience that as well. Once we've realized that there's a problem, we'll deny that we've done anything to cause. We'll get angry, most likely at ourselves. Then we'll try to figure out a new way to live. We can't keep living such a consumerist lifestyle anymore now that we know the consequences of it. And then we'll just accept that that's how it's going to have to be. Less really is more, we'll see. People will realize that if there's something they want, they're going to ask themselves if they really need it first and then if they have the means to afford it.
I believe the metaphor is entirely true. Americans are overconsuming food that they cannot afford to eat, which is making their wallets smaller and their bellies bigger. America is known for their obsesity and over eating. Now we are going to be known for over overspending and over borrowing. In the end, the American population as a whole is going to be upset with the decisions they make today, Not only in the food that they eat, but in the way they spend their money.
ReplyDeletehonestly a remedy will not be priscribed over night. you simply cannot shange a lifestyle in a matter of months. but americas food mroblem is a microcosm of how we live ourlife styles. we think now with no thought process of the results. we eat delicious and unhealthy food now and gain weight later. we also spend now then pay later. this simple thought process has allowed us to live and eat way outside our means of living. hopefully this recession will teach us that we need to slow or consumption and save. now we just need to impliment this in our eating habits.
ReplyDelete-blake roth
I think this is a really clever metaphor. It really imitates the situation America is facing now. America needs to begin to consume wisely, and not over-consume like theyve done in the past. Just like a survivor of a heart attack needs to consume wisely and begin to exercise properly to get back in shape.
ReplyDeleteMay I say that I do love, my Krispy Kreme but, I eat it just on those special occasions. Honestly in order for people to really take action they need to see it affect their own lives. People need to take responsibility their health and economic choices, and on top of that, look at what is in the best interest for ones self as a whole. We need to be a more productive nation not one that is just looking to get by.
ReplyDeleteOverindulgence is whats displayed. The American people have excessively spent their way into a hole.Being aware of what we consume is key and learning how to regulate and control our volatile behavior is essential.
I don't know why but i want to try that and Krispy Cream is amazing. But the best way to change your lifestyle id to watch what you take in or consume. After a heart attack America should chill out with all of these donuts and focus on eating healthier. So i then America needs to turn vegetarian and exercise more to prevent any other heart attacks in the future.
ReplyDeleteMuhtasim Rafid
My feeling on America's diet is that you need to eat and consume calories in order to live. In my opinion a calorie is a calorie and it doesnt matter if you eat 100 calories in krispy creams or in carrots you still ate 100 calories. The real problem is the exercise rate in this country is extremely low. Now this recession is causing more stress and stress is causing a lot of heart issues for Americans because some people can not figure out how to deal with it. My solution is instead of eating a doughnut when you get stressed, go run a mile and then eat the doughnut.
ReplyDeleteAmerica's heart attack is a definate combination of stress, laziness, and those aweful things in the picture that made me gag. America needs to start to actually take care of themselves and their money. By not just going on a donut eating spree whenever we felt like there wouldn't be as many obese people, and if we didn't just decide to spend money as if it was an infinate resource, we wouldn't have trillions of dollars of debt piled on. Eating is the same as spending. You can either binge and then try to pull in the reins and start starving yourself to reverse the damage which is much like what is happening now, or take the road of a balanced diet of saving and spending. By staying balanced and eating within what your body can hold healthily, many of these heart attacks would not have happened and the economy would be a much better place.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, the lifestyle that Americans have chosen have been to run around keeping ourselves busy without time to slow down to enjoy the journey through life. And who can blame them, we work to earn money to live a decent lifestyle to pay bills and have all the luxuries that we think we need to satisfy our desires. This leads to stress and the stress has a negative effect on our bodies if not handled properly.
ReplyDeleteBusy lives lead to bad foods that need to be prepared fast or have someone else prepare it for us; all because we just don't have the time.
Also, the foods that are prepared in the United States aren't the healthiest, but they are consumed without any concern of moderation. We eat when we want to and how we want to thinking that we don't need to work off the extra calories. A lot of the problems lies in that fact that people don't know how to eat. they either eat too much in one sitting, or too fast, or too late, or bad foods constantly and all done without exercising the amount we need to.
Then we don't take into consideration that everyone's body is different from others, some have fast metabolism, slow metabolism, gain weight easily, doesn't gain weight, loses weight easily, doesn't lose weight easily, etc. Honestly, people should focus on themselves and sees what works for them and work on it.
American society is gluttonous. All we really care about is what's happening presently and not what the future holds. Our mentally is "it's just one day of eating badly, I'll eat better later" and it's this kind of yo-yo diet that has people gaining weight and they don't know why.
I believe if Americans don't realize that they need to change their ways, the heart attack rate will only increase.
Christina Chang
Lauren brown:
ReplyDeleteThis is definately a really interesting metaphor. My uncle has heart disease and after finding this out, made many changes to his life.He ate a lot healthier and became very health conscience. The same can be said about America. If and when we recover from this recession, I believe the majority of people will me very spending conscience. My uncle now consumes only foods that are low in fat and cholesterol. Many people will most likely change thief ways and be "spending conscience" and only buy goods that they can afford. They will probably also make smart investments and try to save their money unlike before. Heart problems have risen because of people's carelessness and unwillingness to prevent consequences. Similarly, people bought and invested in thinks they could simply not afford which caused the recession. Hopefully, we'll see a change in lifestyles.
i never thought to combine two such uncommon ideas such as fast food consumption and the current economic meltdown that we call the recession. but it does make sense in a way you put it... everyone claims to change their life after finding out they only have a limited amount of time left on earth rather than just going with the flow until it happens.. so i understand what you're saying when you talk about how this should change us and we'll hopefully come out of the slump smarter and "healthier"
ReplyDeleteThis is the perfect metaphor. Its true, like some people over eat, or eat just because they are bored, people spend their money on things they dont need or cant afford, both having negative consequences. This is how our economy became so troubled. I believe an increase in the amount of transparency and responsibility in our economic system will be necessary in the market. People need to start reevaluating the risks that come with their actions. We need to stop being so greedy and stray far from being discouraged by the economic hardship.
ReplyDeleteThis makes a lot of sense because when Americans or any other person goes to McDonalds on an average of about 4 times a week, and doesn't exercise at all, something is bound to happen, like a heart attack. Since America isn't in the best financial situation, and we keep spending money, something like a heart attack can happen like a depression all over again.
ReplyDeleteAmericans need to learn self control. Just like the photo above people eat things that their bodies clearly dont need. We are spending money on things that one: we dont have the money for and two: we dont need. America needs to learn to spend and borrow their money wisley.
ReplyDeleteMichael Shep:
ReplyDeleteAmericans do have problems with consumption and not thinking about the consequeces associated with it. I feel we need to get rid of the usage of credit cards and get back to the days of saving up for something and buying it with actual paper money. Will America be able to handle it? Maybe... probably not, because we are so greedy and only think in the NOW. We will need to lower our personal intake levels and ask ourselves, "Do I REALLY need this or do I just want it."
I personally think that this is a very complicated issue because at the same time Americans are finally starting to see that they need to become more saving oriented, the government is encouraging us to spend, spend and spend to get out of this recession. It's kind of a lose lose situation. I'm damned if i do, and im damned if I don't. I don't think it's possible to achieve both economic growth and higher savings at the same time. It has to be a slow process. But it is certain that we can no longer drag ourselves into this debt hole we've been digging for years now.
ReplyDeleteI think that the key words in the remedy will be "regulating consumption". Americans need to understand the importance of saving money for periods of time when they may need it (just like now) and they also need to understand the idea that credit cards just kill them with the interest rates and how they can save lots of money by not depending on them and using cash. People have to stop buying unnecessary things like huge houses that they don't even enjoy because they have to spend their lives working to pay for it. I think it's all about changing americans' life style and using money in the best possible way.
ReplyDeleteI feel that to get America out of it's heart attack, we need to give it the proper medicine (fiscal policy). Of course it is important that we give it just the precise amount, as not giving enough medicine (capital) might not do anything, whereas giving too much might cause even more problems for the patient/country. And while some may be tempted to use a resuscitator (heavy influx of cash), the fact is that if we don't nurse America/the patient back to health in a sensible fashion, the bad habits (cholesterol/spending) will eventually lead this to happen again.
ReplyDeleteThat picture reminded me of this previous article of yours:
Not only has Uncle Same become too large for his own good, but his larger-than-life figure has engulfed our society. What America needs to do is fix the market for both the short and long term. In the short term, the bailout and practices by President Obama seem to be working in some respect. Once the market returns to a relatively stable level, then we need to tighten our belts and live within our realm of reality. This includes cutting frivolous spending, investing wisely, and possibly trying the South Beach Diet.
--Chandler Weiner--
American consumers have overindulged and spent excessively for too long, and now they are suffering the consequences. Just as a heart attack victim has to alter their diet, we must regulate our spending. American people, rich and poor, must learn to live within their means. Bailing out the credit system and allowing it to continue with business as usual is akin to having a triple bypass and downing a Baconator. Tighter regulation and the elimination of easy credit is the only way to ensure that this situation will not repeat. The US personal savings rate has dipped below zero in recent years. By comparing this with our historical rate of about 10%, or China's rate of 30%, it becomes apparent that we have been driving ourselves into the ground. America needs to wean itself off an overindulgent lifestyle and begin thinking about the future rather than the present. Of course, it took decades of poor choices to get to this point, and it will take some time to get out of it. Patience is the key. So, too, is the realization that we cannot return to the unsustainable ways of the past.
ReplyDeleteSarah Prentice
americans are lazy. they want to be satisfied as quickly as possible with the least amount of work. people dont think through their decisions enough. they just want to get pleasure from the moment they are in. America needs to start planning and looking into the future not just the here and now. Sure right now america has had a heart attack and is in an economic downturn, but with proper spending and planing for the future we can make it through. america has to start eating healthy and making proper economic spending decisions
ReplyDeleteyour marcher,
hila yasur =]
A problem can not be fixed it can only be prevented and made less worse off. I think the key to a "brighter future" is to learn from our past mistakes. It you have a heart attack you must make chances. And the changes aren't in diet;it's a complete lifestyle change. The same is true for the economy. Changing just one thing will not do anything. It takes a total change in the economy for things to be better. People need to stop being so damn selfish and start thinking about how their actions are going to effect the economy on the whole. Instead people are greedy and only seek to benefit themselves. These people need to be outed of their jobs and put in jail. Also our spending must stay regulated. We need to be put on a diet where we are still spending but not over spending like we have in the past. Therefore the crooks need to be out of control and the citizens must start spending but not over spending in order to try and get the economy back to good health.
ReplyDeleteJust at the number of fat cells in someone's body can be never reduced, the amount of trouble we get ourselves into will never go down either. We can only try to maintain the stability that we will of finally achieved when we come out of this recession and hopefully not a depression. Americans must learn their limits of how luxuriously they can live, if they can afford a certain, house, car, or boat, and still support themselves and/or their family then they should never be allowed to purchase these items. The only exception to buying on credit I see possible is when a person is overly qualified to have credit and is a safe bet. This policy may be harsh and maybe even rash, but i think its about time we got real with ourselves and manned up to our responsibilities.
ReplyDeleteNick Gonzalez
Period 6
The United States economy can't really be compared to a heart attack. They are both bad but that's about it, the remedy to this so called heart attack is just to spend more, and save less. Some day in the future when this economy goes for the better, people will just forget about it and go back to their extreme spending habits.
ReplyDeleteAdi Aganovic
Yeah, I'd say that's about an ample analogy to our current situation. In the image, it shows a whole bunch of excessive junk being piled on when we know it's bad for us; that's just what we did with our excessive spending. However, I wouldn't exactly call the recession a "heart attack"; at worst, it's been a severe case of heart burn. A true "heart attack" would be if we entered a depression the likes of that of the 1930's. We will have to make some sacrifices (analogous to working out and eating less), but if we want to keep our economy healthy, then that is what it'll take.
ReplyDeleteThe metaphoric analogy perfectly describes the problems America had prior to 2009. Now its America's turn to trim away the fat (the insane monetary deficit) and stay in shape. To be blunt people need to get their heads out of their gutter and stop acting as if they earned six or seven figure salaries. In no form am I saying that people shouldn't strive to advance financially throughout their lives. American's need to pop back into reality and take loans they CAN pay back instead of loans they DREAM that they can pay back. It would also be beneficiary if the federal government wasn't so scarred to do drastic measures because they might be called out by the press. (although i can't complain now because of the hundreds of billions of dollars being spent in bailouts.)
ReplyDeleteOh and please let GM fail. (There's no need to hold on to another slice of pizza when you have that much weight to lose.
The way to solve this problem is just the same as preventing a heart attack, a whole lifestyle make over. first of all people have to get into the habit of putting part of their paycheck away for rainy days and spending the rest on what they need/want. Also when people take out a loan or use a credit card of some sort they must have the means of paying it back in full. And if we were to switch to this lifestyle habit then we will prevent any sort of down fall in the economy. But as to getting out of the hole we are in right now we must start spending crazy.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, whatever those things are, they look pretty good. Second of all, the crisis were going through right now is pretty bad, and I say comparing it to a Heart attack is a pretty good analogy. But just like any person who gets knocked down, the U.S. will presevere, eat healthy, and stand back up to fight another day..... and after a little while go back to eating like grease is going out of style.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, if anyone is looking to endanger their lives at the nearest Wendy's I suggest you try a Baconator with Large fries and a Coke. so good, yet so bad.
Andres "the Doctor" Uribe
wow, what a sight! but this kind of reminds me of what I said in my comment on the cigarette tax article, about how even though people know something is bad for them, they still desire it, and do it anyway. its weird to think about what drives us and America's wavering self-control.
ReplyDeleteBut in relation to the financial situation, just like people can change their diet and start to become healthy again, so can America. of course it takes time and a few adjustments, but over time things ill get better.
I truly believe that we need to work from the bottom up. We need to stop being a service, and start being productive and innovative. Funding has be be sent to education, Our education system in Florida(one of the worst in the country), and even our nation is nothing compared to what is seen in China and in Europe, teachers need to help kids think and analyze instead of handing our senseless busy work. I believe that funding in education is productive, safe, and an economical sound decision to decreases the gap between the rich and the poor.
ReplyDeleteWell first of all i'd like to say dat picture looks disgusting!
ReplyDeleteI just believe that in order to get back on our feet, every American will have to change their ways. We need to stop being so selfish and gluttonous. WE NEED TO STOP BUYING/TRYING STUFF JUST BECAUSE EVRYONE ELSE IS DOING IT. Like someone once told me "just cause the donkey look good don't mean you gotta ride it"- lol- it kinda makes sense to this. And anyways like Michael said, we need to decide what we really need to have as opposed to just want. In other words, don't bite so much and then not be able to swallow (just tryna keep up with the heart attack / food analogy lol). But then again, if we save everything and don't spend money, the economy will die much faster. So i don't really think there's a clear solution to our issues. I just feel like we need to stop throwing money at the issue though, we are past that point. Businesses need to be able to have confidance so they can pass on the confidance that, a couple months from now they will still be in business so that people don't go crazy spending now thinking that in the future such oppportunities won't be available. But anyways like in everything else, all Americans need to practice moderation!
In my opinion this metaphor is only accurate to a certain extent. A heart attack does parallel our situation in that we have been doing something wrong and now we are paying for it. However, this recession was not caused by the majority of Americans, but by a minority of greedy corporations and careless investing and lending firms. With that said, i would recommend a dose of confidence for our economy along with a temporary loss of common sense in order to increase spending. After this has hopefully cured us, it is the madness and volatility of wall street, not main street, that has to change.I would personally recommend stricter government monitoring of these aforementioned firms.
ReplyDeletethe only way to relieve America from a heart attack it to put it in a strict diet/spending system. Not only does this country have a very high percentage of obesity but also high number of debts; By cutting down the borrowing of credit and the anxiety of over eating to a smarter and realistically payable/edible limit, America once again can be physically and economically fit.