Here is a collection of responses from a recent survey taken by incoming freshmen. Review the responses and discuss how they parallel your own views.
An interactive observation tower, surveying one man's attempt at making sense of it all.
"An economist is someone who sees something working in practice and asks whether it would work in principle."
Wow, at first i was like who cares what college freshmen think. But, it's a lil interesting...anyways i know dat my real opinions will offend sum people and quite frankly- i dont care!!! But in order to prevent a blog war im not going to really go there- but i will just say i dont agree with the gay marriage thing, but whatever- because of my religion (sorry if you think im ignorant because of it but im already a strong believer) its been locked in my brain that all that is wrong. even though i have close gay friends though but i don't see why they need to get married to show that theyre in love. what do they want the government to do for them wit that marriage license? if marriage is between a man and woman invent something else- simple. Aside from that i agree that drugs should be legalized to cut down some crime and that people should not care so much about the rights of convicted felons- especially for those receiving the death penalty, if they are going to die anyways who cares, id make their death as painful as possible becauseafter they die they won't have to pay for their crime anymore. and i feel that racism exists but it may depend where you go. but hey i dont know what people say behind my back therefore it dont faze me. also colleges have the right to ban any speaker they want, im sure the students that are extremists can go somewhere and hear someone advocating their views on their own, colleges' main job is to provide a place to learn. and the last 2 (or 3) issues i care about are how we deal with immigrants- they are people too and obviously they think our country is great cuz they risk everything to come here so why dont we just show them how great it can be, they only want to come, make money, and go back anyways- i aint mad at that. and i strongly agree that only volunteers should be in the army and the rich should pay higher taxes cuz a lot of money increases vanity, put it to good use instead.
ReplyDeleteThus that concludes my opinions. and they are just that, MY OPINIONS! don't be mad if yours don't match up.
Certain questions on the survey didn't really concern me nor did I have much of an opinion on the matter, such as volunteers in the military, marijuana use and criminal rights. However, I'll admit that for the most part, I agreed with the way the college freshmen voted. I am for same-sex marriage 100%, I really don't think undocumented workers who are here illegally should be granted free education (I just think they shouldn't be here). To hell with Affirmative Action, really! A black man is president and just look at the diversity in the highest offices in the country! I don't think that it's necessary anymore, especially when the average white student has to work even harder to get into a school that a minority student who puts in less effort can get into. I also think racial discrimination still exists. Although people are more careful about what they say, everyone knows what they think is a whole lot different. -- One thing I completely disagree with is the idea that the wealthy who are already paying a crapton of taxes should pay even more. Pardon my French, but that's just bull. The wealthy who are hardworking doctors and lawyers trying to raise families deserve to give them a good life. Now if we're talking about someone making millions upon millions a year, tax the hell out of them. No one -needs- or deserves that much money just for looking pretty. But the people who spent years building upon their education and working those tough, stressful jobs shouldn't have to pay more than they already are. Otherwise, we're just promoting mediocrity. Why work hard and go to school if you're just going to have to give it all away in taxes? Why be a doctor and pay thousands for med school if you're not going to be able to retain the money later?
ReplyDeleteI guess this makes me a very right-winged liberal? If it makes people happy, I'm not just 110% for gay marriage/rights, but I'm also on the side of abortions! <:) There, now we're balanced out a bit.
I believe that this proves how naive freshman are. When I was a freshman, I didn't really have my own individual ideas and beliefs... so the fact that 67% said that military should be volunteers, is ridiculous. Military personnel deserve the money they receive for putting their lives on the line to protect and fight for what our country stands for. Only 41% said marijuana should be legalized.. if this was a survery from seniors and college students, then it would be like 97%. I also think that undocumented immigrants should be able to have an education if they really want to learn. If they're just going because they have to, and add nothing productive to our learning environment then they dont deserve a chance for a legit education in america. And as much as I hate to say this, but racial discrimination is still very much alive.
ReplyDeleteTo start off, except for a few of the issues, i am actually delighted to see that our youth's sense of morals and open mindedness is actually progressing. For example, imagine asking about same sex marriages 10 years ago. I can most certainly say that the majority would flip flop. As for the 79% who believe any who works hard can succeed in our country, this is a very productive display of optimism because if that overwhelming percentage of people do believe that anyone who puts hard work in can succeed, then they themselves will work as hard as possible. But to move on, i was a little disappointed with the only 41% who believe in marijuana's legalization. Personally, i feel that our government spends much to much of our tax money on the regulation of marijuana, not to mention the fact that the taxation of marijuana would bring in millions, if not billions, of dollars. If college freshmen, of all people, don't have a strong majority for legalization, then i feel that we are still a long ways away from full blown legalization. I was also somewhat surprised and disappointed that a majority of people believe we have too much concern for the rights of our criminals. I can't imagine why this percentage is so high, after all America was founded on the belief that EVERY man has certain inalienable rights. And referring to Guantanamo bay, i actually don't think we have been doing enough for the rights of criminals.
ReplyDeleteI think that marijuana should be legalized because it will help the economy, as for morals, then don't do it, what about smoking, alcohol, and etc. Who would say those things are morally right but they are legal. Also, just because marijuana is illegal, does not mean people don't do it. Legalizing if anything would make it safer. Bottom line, marijuana should be legalized. Yea 4/20. As for people in the higher income levels paying more taxes, i disagree because i learned in Econ that if you beat up the guy that buys most of the bear and makes the most money then he just might leave the other nine guys. Then what happens, the rest of us are in a bad position. I think there has to be a certain point with taxes, sure the rich should be taxed more but to what point. I mean if we tax them 95% then we are kind of killing the American dream.
ReplyDeleteAdi Aganovic
I think they should do whatever it takes to bring the economy back to how it was during the year 2000 even if it conflicts with moral believes such as legalizing marijuana and same sex marriages. If they legalized marijuana, on 4/20 the government would have as much profit has hallmark cards on Valentines day. And married couples have to pay a tax to be married and as for gay people if they want to get married let them be just charge them more. the government need t have a cash rules everything around me kind of mentality or were not going anywhere anytime soon
ReplyDeleteMuhtasim Rafid
I disagree with the 79% of incoming college freshman who believe that anyone can succeed in America by working hard. Although this is a pessimistic statement, the harsh reality is that there is little success for those that are not legal citizens and those living in poverty. Just the other day, while driving in Delray Beach, I saw a busload of migrant workers. It was a hot Sunday, and I was disturbed and saddened by the fact that I knew that these people were probably not even earning the minimum wage. It also occurred to me that their children might not even be eligible to attend public school and that proper healthcare for them is non-existent. Therefore, even though they are working so very hard, their upward potential is severely limited by their non-legal status. Because they are working so hard, they deserve an attempt at the American Dream; especially since they are the backbone of the businesses who are using them for cheap labor.
ReplyDeleteI do agree that if you work hard you can succeed, but also, succeeding can depend on the connections you make and how you put yourself out there- its also hard to succeed if you cant find work, like in the economic downfall that we are in now for example- so its your inner drive but also influence of your surroundings. I agree that same-sex couples should have the right to marry if they really want to. Love is love and i believe its about the person inside, not the gender that matters. I also believe education is very important and should be an option for anyone who wants to learn. And its unfortunate, but i dont think racial discrimination has fully been eliminated. I dont think colleges have the right to ban extreme speakers from campus, however if they cause disruption to the peace of the campus in a destructive way, then i dont think they should be allowed to continue to speak out in that way.
ReplyDeleteOK, the first one I definitely agree with, if you really work hard and never give up you can reach your ultimate goals in life. I think the military should be made up of only volunteers, cause no one wants to be forced to fight. The gay marriage issue.... thats just wrong, humans were made to reproduce, i mean if theres some people that are different, thats okay, but i oppose gay marriage. Gay marriage leads to adoption of babies, two women can manage with sperm donations of course, but two guys can't make a baby, though (leave it to science and one day they will be able to....). So now imagine growing up an adopted baby being raised by two guys, i mean there are needs that a guy just can't satisfy, any kid needs their mother. Also, growing up with so much homosexual influence take a guess as to the sexual preference of that kid. Like father, like son.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thats just my 2 cents, im sorry if I offended anyone, the other issues I mostly agree with. And that 20% of freshman that voted that Racism is dead, I feel sorry for them, because they are either naive, mentally impaired, or racist.
Andres "The Doctor" Uribe
Per. 6
I firmly agree with the idea of having same-sex marriages legalized. I still do not understand why religious views are inflitrating the system when the United States stresses to be objective. Same-sex couples were never frowned upon in the classical era. If people in love they should be able to freely express it and be treated equally. Our constitution says "all men are created equal" ( and women of course) same-sex marriage is equal. We are always looked at for the new progressive idea and movements. I still can't fathom the idea of being deeply in love, ready for a commitment and denied all rights of protection and the opportunity to exchange vows.
ok so on the argument that we would rather have educated people in the United States. Yeah that's true, I would too but honestly how many illegal immigrants are there in the US now? And what is being used to support their education? Yeah our tax dollars as American citizens are going to support those who don't pay taxes; those who are just sliding under the radar. Look I really don't want to deny anyone the right to education. But I don't think they should have the rights of a US citizen unless they take the other things that go along with it, like paying taxes. No one likes to do it but it has to be done...by everyone and if you aren't doing it like the rest of us why should you benefit from it. What's fair about that?
ReplyDeletei disagree with the 47% who think that undocumented immigrants should have public education denied because no one should be deprived from education specially if they could be a positive influence to this country. For example i heard of an illegal immigrant who came here very young with his parents, and by having the opportunity to educate himself he excelled in school to the point of overflowing with scholarships with out caring that he was undocumented. He got a full ride on one of the top universities and is now one of the most recognized neurosurgeon in the nation. I agree with the 66% who think gay married should be legal because i don't see anything wrong with two people that love each other to make a life together even if they r from the same sex. I don't think is fair that a person is deprived of seeing their loved one on their death bed in a hospital or making important decisions like inheritance, health, property, etc. just because they are not legally allowed to be married. I disagree with the 57% that think the courts are to worried about the criminal's rights because even if they committed a crime, the constitution their trail should be fair depending on their offense. Everyone has their rights and they should be prosecuted with out violating what ever right they have left.
ReplyDeleteJust to run down a few of the items on the list.. I disagree that anybody can succeed in America with just hard work. If you grow up in a bad situation, you definitely need a lot of luck to go with your hard work.
ReplyDeleteMarijuana should be legalized, because legalizing it would lower overall crime (http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Mexican_ambassador_US_should_take_marijuana_0412.html) and the US could make a lot of money just through taxing it.
Racial discrimination will always be a problem in our society. Even with a black president, that will never change.
I agree with 66% of the people who believe that same sex marriage should be legalized.I do not believe that the issue is one of religion so much as it is an indication of how society is willing to accept people declaring a life long commitment for their partner.Implicit in this is that society develops and evolves to decrease discrimination against minorities and subgroups and that this development is likely to protect against persecution and abuse of people with less accepted lifestyles.
ReplyDeleteSarah Prentice
blake roth
ReplyDeletei do feel that same sex marrige should be legalized. who is to say the 2 men or women should not be allowed to be legally binded. i also feel that with hard work not everybody can be successful. there are plenty of hard working people making minimum wage and barely getting by. for example the illegal hispanic workers. they work there asses off all day long in the scorching sun to live a below average lifestyle. i dont consider that succeding in american society. the last subjust i would like to hit on is the legalization of marijuana. good for the economy, takes unneccesary people out of the court system,and lowering crime. there is so many benifits for legalizing it. all of these things can be achieved by simply allowing a miscellanoeus herb that has multiple benefits
Sarah Michaud
ReplyDeleteI agree with the 66% of people that believe same-sex couples should be allowed to marry. People should be allowed to wed whomever they choose, regardless of other peoples opinions. Although i realize that same sex marriages are against many religions, who are those people to tell others what to believe in? I firmly believe that gay people do not choose to be that way, that it is a feeling they can't control, just as that of heterosexual relationships; so why should we get in the way of that? Everyone in this country deserves the same rights.
this is an interesting survey. i feel like i agree with most of the numbers. one of the percents that i agree with is that the majority of incoming freshmen believe that undocumented immigrants should have access to education. some believe that by not allowing undocumented immigrants to learn there will be a greater disincentive to coming to the united states. i believe it is not the kids choice. they will be here either way, with or without an education. why would anyone want to leave part of their society behind without a chance to learn? whoever said that racial discrimination is no longer a problem is completely wrong. there is always some racism exhibited on college campuses through jokes, stereotypes, and more. racism isnt as obvious as it used to be but it still strongly exists. same sex couples really should have the right to marry. i never understood why people had a problem with it. sure its against some peoples religion but gay couples will live with each other whether they are married or not. why not give them the benefits heterogeneous couples receive ? they are just trying to live their lives
ReplyDelete- Hila Yasur
I think it's interesting that only 41% wanted to ban extreme speakers from visiting campus. Truthfully, I though the number would be larger. I know that from personal experience, bringing extremists as speakers to a college campus can cause a lot of controversy, and even get people angry and fired up.
ReplyDeleteI won't get into the topic of discussion, but over the summer, the group I was traveling/studying with was exposed to an extreme speaker. His words and outrageous behavior got out of hand, and both sides needed to be calmed down. The feeling of being attacked was uncomfortable-as well as feeling the need to defend- so when I saw that the number of people who wanted to ban such speakers was only 41%, I was a bit surprised.
In my opinion, it's probably best that extreme speakers not be asked to speak on public university campuses, because it can lead to drastic changes in thinking, or even violence.
We must avoid causing problems, or putting our safety in the way of danger.