It is an easy hypothesis to draw that hard economic times will lead to increased criminal activity. The recent rash of very violent crime is something a little more puzzling. In the last couple of weeks, dozens of people have been abruptly shot by cowards with personal axes to grind and no capacity to seek answers. In a nation where assault rifles are perversely protected by our Constitution, it's no wonder that our citizens are not. One might conclude that this is an after-shock of the post-Bush lunacy defined by a "cowboy" mentality and fanatically embraced by people who professed their misguided interpretation of the Bible and the 2nd amendment to be gospel. Now that the dark ages are over in Washington D.C. and an age of enlightenment may be returning, it's not surprising that those who celebrated the idiot in charge would give up their "rights" with varied levels of reluctance.
There might be an increase in the crime rate, but if the new president decides to outlaw guns that would create an even bigger problem. The sad truth is that in the end, the criminals will still end up with the guns and everybody else won't be able to protect themselves. I recently saw a story in the news about a couple who were just sleeping in bed and they heard their dog barking so they went downstairs to find a man who had broken into their house. Once the criminal spotted the couple he started shooting at them. The husband then shot and killed the criminal to protect himself and his wife. If that man had not had a gun he and his wife would have been killed. So sorry if I may be old-fashioned and support the second amendment but if someone breaks into my house and threatens my family I would definately want the right to shoot and kill him. And even though this president is supposed to have sparked an age of enlightenment, the only thing i'm enlightened on is how he tells people what they want to hear instead of actually doing things to make our current situation better.
ReplyDelete-Jen P. (per. 6)
This recent lunacy isn't a product of recent development but more along the lines of the recent developments is the straw that broke the camels back. And to those who say that guns are the problem I tell you this, a man who has been broken and has loss everything he has ever held dear to him is just as dangerous with or without the gun, because as the old saying goes "guns don't kill people, people kill people." if you truly want to stop this recent surplus of violence then take the weight of today’s problems off the peoples back and I can guarantee you violent acts will be referred to in the past tense.
ReplyDeleteIts scary how bad crime is getting. I mean, obviously its always an issue but I think that recently its become seriously out of hand. Tonight at work, two girls I work with had their cars broken into. One of them was parked in the spot next to me. Thankfully the morons were only smashing windows of cars that had bags in them so mine was okay. But I felt bad for the other girls. These cowards just smashed their cars and took their stuff while they were working hard just trying to get by. I've worked at the same place for years and nothing like this has ever happened. I definitely think there's a link between the economy and crime. There's no other way to explain it.
ReplyDeletethis gun issue is another way people are expressing their lunacy and frustration. whether they use a gun, stick, rope, or knife people will still commit crimes so by making guns illegal its not going to have a major improvement. This rise on criminal activities definitely have alot to do with the current economic situation. therefore instead of worrying on the right to bear arms, worry on how to improve this recession, triggering a decrease in global violence.