Tuesday, September 8, 2009
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An interactive observation tower, surveying one man's attempt at making sense of it all.
"An economist is someone who sees something working in practice and asks whether it would work in principle."
I somewhat agree with this article because in some cases, the online classes are not has curriculum filled lessons and it is much more laid back than an actual college class in a classroom. However, other online classes are legitimate and are practically the same if not harder online so really it all depends on the website.
ReplyDeleteAlli England
pd. 3 9/10/09
Michelle Rich
ReplyDeletePer. 1
While i think it is very likly that this will happen i think it is a horrible tragic thing. SO many bad things can come from this its rediculous. Like i said today in class a growing problem in America this will just add to it... obesity! Going to college is said to be one of the best experiences. While yes people go to learn an education and get a degree its also a change to leave the next but its like baby steps. If something most parents will help pay with so its not like your all on your own but at the same time you dont have your parents down your neck telling you what to do everyday. If people go to college online they will most likly stay home because its cheeper but also they dont have to walk around campus, because they are home most of the day they will eat more. All of these contribute to obesity! Also these people who stay at home for college wont get the chance to grow up, make their own decision, and meet new people. All of these things are privital to survival in the real world. WHile there are perks to taking classes online like saving money you lose an amazing experience. I truly think this is at the fauly of the college because they prices are outragous and they can make more money and put more people in 1 class online. Lastly i think this would effect the education of the USA. With online classes it is very hard to make sure the person signed up for the class is the one doing the work. I have seen it alot with high school classes online they just get their friends to do ti for them. So for example if you had a person getting a doctorit and he paid his friend to take some if his basic classes is isnt as educated as someone who went to class everyday and learned it himself. Who would you want doing your parents surgery?? Inevitable i think it is going to happen, but there will be many problems that come along with it.
I differ between two sides on this article. Online classes have become very popular over the last few years. The popularity is purely caused by the easier way to obtain a degree. While online classes are considered to be just as legitimate as regular classes, online classes do not require as much rigor. The time that is put in, is not the same as a regular college class. Students do not have to wake up and be in class at a normal time. They can wake up as they please and do assignments when it is most convenient for them. However, work still must be put in to obtain a college degree. Students must study, take tests, write papers, and do homework. The online students may have more freedom and can be more relaxed, but all the students still have to do the same work in order to get the same degree. I don’t think that the internet will kill the traditional university experience. It will make it easier for students who do not have enough money or enough time to complete a college course.
ReplyDeleteKatherine Romer
Period: 5
Ana Manzanares
ReplyDeletePeriod 3
I believe that the internet will kill the traditional University experience. Although it may be cheaper to take online courses, that doesn't necesseraly mean it's better; there are many factors that must be taken into consideration. Students have a greater chance of cheating and not learning as much because no one will be supervising them. On top of that, some classes need hands on experience such as science classes in which students need to do various labs. Doing virtual labs will not provide the same experience as actually doing the lab. Besides the educational problem, making online universities would eliminate the social part of college. People go to college to learn more about themselves and meet new people. How can someone do that if they are sitting at home in front of a computer? If people did that, it would be very difficult to have a social life. Therefore, making online universities would destroy a very important part of life everyone needs to experience.
Joseph Dancel
ReplyDeletepd 1
Online classes will only kill certain parts of the college experience. the social aspect and the full experience of walking on campus, and going to football games. the online class would eliminate that, but the online calss does give cheaper and easier access into the career world. Bill Gates never finished his college experience so its not like you need to go to college to have a good experience. and the obesity thing might just be that although people are skinny, the rate of high blood pressure would go up due to the amount of ramen noodle intake rising. atleast staying home would allow them to have a real homecooked meal.
I believe that this article goes into the extreme of the situation. Colleges and universities will still survive and still would be in demand for the student population. However, due to the rise in competition for a college education people who would be in the bottom of the list or would find paying for college difficult would have to think of alternate means to receive the college experience. The online colleges are a possibility for those that would find a normal college difficult to go to. Not only are the cost less as expensive but it allows the family man or wife the ability to receive a higher degree without leaving the family alone to fend for themselves. The article did not even mention the differences in the learning experience clearly enough. Just think with a traditional college you may sit in a class of 30, 50, 75, or more people, now with an online course it is more direct. Those videos or readings could actually be seen or heard. The time to drive to the college or just walking to the dorms differs when all you have to do is open up a computer. But to say that traditional colleges would just disappear is out of line. Even newspapers still survive in modern time. People will still see that a traditional college to be a good choice. It is only that a lesser expensive choice still exist. The use of computers will still rise and so the population of people so with the demand for the traditional college still being high but the supply being limited there will be those that will turn to other means to receive the education.
ReplyDeleteIan Anderson
period 4
Claudia Paez
ReplyDeletePd 1
I can see how taking online courses can be beneficial as well as detrimental to a college student. I agree that this can open up possibilities for people who do not have the economic resources to attend a university. However, many online courses are not up to par with the classes offered at the actual university. Taking and teaching classes online can many times feel more laid back because you set your own schedule and you are not under such strict supervision. As a result, this can bring the level of education down. I am sure that there are courses out there that provide excellent education, but they are definitely limited. In addition to the deteriorating level of education, students are missing out on the traditional college experience. College is the place where you make your connections and you mingle your way into networks that will help you in the future. I definitely don't agree that colleges will disappear. Yes, you will see more and more online courses offered but there are many people who will not give up the college experience for the comfort of the computer.
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
Its interesting to see how much the Internet has taken over in the past 10 years. Its gone from something that was strictly for the military to something you can use to do almost anything. While online universities are easier to work with and easier to get a degree with, brick-and-mortar colleges are still more beneficial. Its easy to take online classes and even easier to cheat on one which makes them all integrity-based but brick-and-mortar colleges you actually have to work hard, study and be on your own during a test. I highly doubt that brick-and-mortar colleges will be replaced by Internet colleges but I do agree that every subject tought in them will be offered in Internet colleges. The only difference will be location.
Amanda Restivo
ReplyDeleteperiod 6
In this economy today i understand how people are taking classes online due to its expense. Students are still getting the same education just not in the auditorium filled class of about 100 students. Many students end up not going to college because they cannot afford it, online degrees are inexpensive. I believe the online classes will raise the graduation rates, but colleges that depend on tuition will be greatly affected by this new trend. I'm currently taking an online college course simply because of my hectic busy weekly schedule. I feel i am still learning the same information and materials as i would if i had to drive to PBCC everyday and sit in the class. Online classes give people more freedom to complete assignments and take tests whenever they please, and whenever they have time. The article mentioned how colleges can pay instructors a fraction of the salary for a tenured professor because it's like asking them to work from home. I see nothing wrong with online classes other than the fact they loose somewhat of the collage experience but it's a choice students will have to make.
I don't think the Internet will kill the traditional University experience anytime soon. While online college courses are more economical when it comes to cost, living, and transportation, it just doesn't seem likely. Most high school graduates want to experience something new that doesn't require getting a job and taking online classes. Also online courses are stereotyped as being not as difficult compared to traditional universities. "Of course, a cultural shift will be required before employers greet online degrees without skepticism, and young students accept that “college” might mean staying at home with mom and dad." Many colleges have begun to offer a few classes online in the efforts to make more courses available to students. While a wonderful idea, it's hard for me to imagine a world without traditional universities and all that they represent. However, I believe that online courses enrollment will keep increasing because of the minimal cost but society must first fully accept the concept.
ReplyDeleteEmily Nyren
Period 1
Brandon Schuster
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
I too agree on both sides here.
I'll start on the side against online courses. I think by taking the courses online it just completely ruins the "college experience," an experience that many Americans choose to have that will guide them for the rest of their lives. There is no having that experience if you don't go to college and take courses on a college campus. Also, by taking these courses online, it only proves the fact even more to how lazy our society is. I'm sure the fact of taking a Physics class online in your pajamas at your own leisure is a tempting one, but truth be told, real life after "virtual college" won't be like that at all, and don't plan on it being that way either.
But on the side for the virtual classes, I can see why this would be an option for many people, especially in this economy. Not only is it more "convienant" physically and economically, but if many people take these classes at their own pace instead of a professor in front of them's pace, then that person may get a higher grade in that course.
I know my mom is currently taking some courses online. She just got a job as a pre-school teacher, but she was required to take some necessary college courses if she wanted the job. So when my mom gets home from work, I see her right at the computer with her books taking an exam or doing some assignment. This option works out perfectly for my mom who doesn't have time in her life right now to go to a college just to take some courses. She can work at her pace and at her convience.
Also, another point to add, we, meaning our age group right now (not our parents...), are the first generation to grow up in an internet-based world. I remember when I was 5 years old I got an e-mail account on America Online (for those of you going "HUH? What's that?" right now, that's what they used to call it before they called it AOL). To this day, I still use the same e-mail account and always have. So I think because we grew up on the computer and the internet, our generation is able to accept this change in an easier way than say our parent's generation and our grandparent's generation. To them, it was just custom to either go to college or not go to college. There was no such thing as taking courses in their bedroom, and I bet to them it just seems like internet, as great as it is, is the downfall to our society pretty much...
I don't think we have to worry about this so fast though because I'm sure most students that will be graduating in the near future will actually want to go to college and get away from the house. But for those that unfortunately aren't in those circumstances to do so, then this is a dueable alternative/last-resort for them. I'm sure though that if there is a person who really wants that college experience then they will find a way to make it happen. Like they always say, "if there's a will, then there's a way."
Online college is not a terrible thing, I just think we should only use it only if we have to use it.
Many people cannot afford to have the traditional experience because it cost too much money taking all the classes, buying the books and paying for a dorm. Online classes let anyone take classes at their own pace and in their own way. The people taking these courses are still learning the exact same thing as the people taking the same course in a classroom. Just because online classes do not require a professor lecturing in front of students does not mean that the students do not get a good education. These stundents still have to take tests and write essays. These online classes are cheaper making it much easier for the average person to graduate college and get a degree.
ReplyDeleteTara Cooper
The idea of taking classes online seems to be like a very good idea. When students take calsses online, its not like theyre getting a break, i believe that the classes would be harder. These classes online would be vedry helpful and would provide students with the oppurtunity to teach themself. However, online classes could not replace the traditional classroom experience. Online classes are a good iea to get through the basic classes but as soon as classes get into specifics, a teacher that you can physically talk to would be very helpfull. There is also a great advantage to students economically. Online classes would be very cheap and for those with less money, a college education is still a possibilty. These classes culd help people get a few classes out of the way but a traditional classroom experince is still needed.
ReplyDeleteJosh Budler
Pd 6
The topic of this article is very interesting. The online college experience is becoming more and more popular mostly because of the current economic times. College tuition is expensive and many in light of the recession cannot afford to "foot the bill". It’s not just the price of tuition; it’s the books, the meal plans and the dorms. I believe that the trend of students getting their degrees online will become more popular as time goes on. Americans, being as lazy as they are would prefer to stay in the comfort of their home and get a degree rather than having to go to a university. This also contributes to the popularity of the online degree.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, many students do not want to worry about paying off loans in the future but would rather a less expensive alternative. Those that will benefit from the online college experience the most are the families who cannot afford the tuition. This will allow more students the opportunity to get a college degree.
I believe that as the popularity with online classes continues to rise, it will eventually take over as the article states "a precious academic tradition". Therefore, these online degrees won't be as valued if everyone is getting one because everyone will have the same degree. The emphasis is on the eventually.
All in all, I believe that the getting a degree online will become more popular as the years go on but it is going to take a while before it completely takes over our traditional university experience.
Natalie Deutsch
It really is unfortunate that colleges have basically become all online. I mean, I know that we're in this new and upcoming technological age, but traditional values are still good. I personally wouldn't give up that college experience for an online course for anything. Yes, maybe it's more convient, but it's not the same as learning first hand. Sitting in a desk listening to lectures and taking notes, that's college, not blindly reading off a computer screen.
ReplyDeleteVictoria Bowman P4
I do believe that the internet will interfere with college traditions and customs; but only to those who allow it to happen. The internet and computers have surely expanded the horizons for enhanced learning atmospheres and research benefits. Nevertheless, online classes and course do take away from the college tradition life in that the "big class lectures" slowly disappears as students decide to take more online classes. Soon enough, more and more students wont even have to leave their house in order to get a full college undergraduate degree. It saddens me to see that the tradition college life is being eroded by the power of online classes.
ReplyDeleteEveryone says that it is our generation and generations to come that will have to pay for the former generation's greed. Many people will not be willing to pay thousands for acamdemic tradition when we are too busy paying for the last's generations mistakes. With the recession and the rising cost of college, people will not be willing to spend money to go to a conventional university, when aquiring an online degree is so much cheaper. It is extremely unfortunate and unfair that many will miss out on the cultural college experience, but a cheap, online degree is better than being thousands in debt or without a degree at all.
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
ReplyDeleteTaking a college class online will not hinder a students college experience in any way. I feel that online college classes allows students more opportunities to excel in their degree.
Online classes aren't any easier than a traditional college class and an online class is not an easier way to obtain a college degree. Both an online college students and a traditional college students have equally challenging obstacles that they must over come through out their college years. Ultimately, the college experience will never die out, no matter how far technology progresses. \
P.5, the last of the international playboys
ReplyDeleteThe internet will only kill the traditional university experience for lazy people. Then again, the same argument could be made about both Greek life and the advent of public universities (har-har). While the comic seems to focus on the professor, I'll focus my analysis on the student. The internet can kill anything for a lazy person: learning a language, making friends or even macking on biddies. Don't you trust that motivated people who want to learn still exist in the world? Lady Gaga should be proof enough.
...Well, maybe you do and that's why the subject line was posed as a question as opposed to a definitive statement. I dare you to look me in the eyes tomorrow during class and tell me that Oxford will one day cease to be Oxford. Education never dies. Ipsa scientia potestas est, and that's the straight up honest to god truth no bones about it.
PD 1: The reality that college is cheaper and more convient online sometimes forces people to miss out on the whole "college experience". When you are a college student, most people want to experience new things and make new friends. People don't want to sit on a computer in a virtual classroom with their mother in the next room. But there are many benefits to online school, mostly cost related. No need to move out, and travel far and students could easily have jobs and continue to do online school. Personally, I would not want to miss out on the experience of college.