This is a spectacular essay on the stark realities of the world. Being average doesn't cut it anymore. There's a computer or a worker in another labor market who can cover those jobs more efficiently. If you don't arrive in the future as an innovator and an entrepreneur then you will be the jobless in the phrase "jobless recovery". Our public education system could turn out to be the final straw in the collapse of the American empire, thus no other recovery plan should take precedence.
This is good and so true, I remember watching this movie that protrayed men and women in the future who depended on t.v, had a chip ingraved in there bodiesvthat defines their background, and robo cops. If men and women continue to depend so much on the upgraded technologies they would lose the ability to function properly and the motivation to do things on there own, I mean how can commercials and soap operas and news help motivate someone to do things? It just sounds bizarre. I like how the trade between the world enbales people to broaden there horizon of things to buy that personalizes each other but technologies should not be something to resort to.