Friday, October 9, 2009

Less Money, Mo Problems

The video piece describes the recent de-blinging trend in the Rap music industry and an artist has composed a rhyme expressing his dismay.

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Slim Thug's Music Video - Still a Boss
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  1. HA, this video's pretty funny
    No industry has been hit harder than the rap industry, really Stewart? I can't tell if he's being serious or not...I think..
    Anyhow, it's cool to know that we can relate to rappers on how the recessions affected us all...but Slim Thug's "still a boss, getting just a little less" while others have been hit completey harder from the recession way more by LOOSING JOBS. But I get the point of the know that "everyone's been affected in some way by the recession"
    And I gotta say, it's a nice exchange of topic for a rapper.

    Orelia Elkaim
    period 5

  2. the video has a good point that everyone is getting that paper (coupons). The recession has caused most people to get a lot less on their paycheck or they don't get one at all. Its just good to see that a big industry is now trying to explain how the US has gotten so bad.
    Joseph Dancel
    pd 1

  3. the video is exactly what is effecting a majority of the economy besides the rich and famous .. and for a rapper to make a video that can relate to the majority of people in the world is amamzing.. in the video he says how hes still making money .. when in reality hes cutting out coupons to save money .. hes relating to what people have to go through daily and having to try to save money .. its a good music video .. instead of the rapper talking about girls .. hes actually talking about real life situations..

    sylvie ouknine
    period 5
    i got grounded & got my computer taken away so i couldnt comment ..
