In a classic example of marginal thinking, cost/benefit analysis, and opportunity cost data has been recently released revealing a surprising increase in time dedicated to child care during the 1990s. It's interesting for two reasons: first it reversed a trend began in the 1960s of shrinking time parents were dedicating to the rearing of their children and secondly, it occurred in a decade when the value of labor was increasing dramatically. The data seems to indicate that college educated adults were willing to sacrifice their income generating hours at an accelerated pace precisely at the point in which they were most valuable. Click on the link above to access the reason for this lunacy and reflect on the balance of work and parenting during your own childhood.
I agree with some of the economists contentions and can relate to them because of the time and money my parents spent on me in preparation for college entrance exams. Also, from the time of 2nd grade through 8th I was homeschooled. The home schooling,however, was not only for academic purposes but also for character development as well; which leads to my disagreement with the authors findings. I believe the decline in quality of the public school system has forced parents, who previously succeeded through the system, to now realize they must get involved with their child's life to insure the basic quality of college preparation. I would also disagree with the definition of child care time; I have observed most of my friends having two working parents trying to maximize their earning. I believe spending money on private schools, tutoring and test prep classes is not an increase in child caring done at the expense of economic gain.
ReplyDelete-Jackie Green: Period 6
mr burkey ..
ReplyDeletethere were 2 comments before i commented on this last wed ..
leor i think was one of them ..
& the article its self wasnt up it was just a title ..
i swear on my life i commented on this .
i said that " my parents must love me becasue they put a roof over my head & give me water.. " what happened to my comment .
i made a blog account and everything.. & i even commented 2x one under anonymous & one under my blog account ..
sylvie ouknine
5th period
thanks sylvie