Calls to tax junk food gain ground -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
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As the battle over health care rages on, more people are focusing on consumer behavior and personal choice as a culprit behind escalating costs. There are many people who believe that if junk food consumption was reduced so would the pressures on our health system. Sin taxes on cigarettes have been a successful tool in discouraging smoking, could taxes on sugary sodas and snacks be a disincentive to consume. Opponents to this idea cite that excise taxes are regressive and would place additional pressures on the finances of low-income citizens. In addition, the difficult economy has led people to seek cheaper food sources which are often times the type of product targeted by this tax. Click on the link above and weigh in on this issue which seems to be gaining momentum.
Katherine Romer
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
I agree with this article. The choices people make on their eating habits do have a lot to do with themselves. However, if people are not going to make the right decisions for themselves, a tax will be helpful. As stated above, some people quit smoking due to the high price so hopefully food consumers will do the same when junk food becomes more expensive. Junk food is easy to buy and has become inexpensive. McDonalds and many other fast food chains have started the "dollar menu" making unhealthy food even easier and more affordable to buy. This idea for a tax on junk food will be helpful for now and many years to come.
It would be a good idea, seeing how we live in a society that savors its fatty foods rich in just about no nutrients. While contributing to America's economy it would also contribute to the overall fitness of the country, because what you eat is a key cog in the issue of weight and overall health.
ReplyDeleteI think there should be a tax on junk food because obesity in America is at an all time high. The only problem is that the government is going to have a difficult time deciding what classifies as junk food and what does not.
ReplyDeletePassing a tax on junk food would force people to eat healthier food. If fast food restaurants dont change their menus to a healthier menu, that billion dollar market could lose a large portion of its income. Solving all our problems with taxation seems like an easy way out to a problem of choice, a choice between what we want and what we need.
ReplyDeleteJoe Dancel
ReplyDeletepd 1
Why should there be a tax on junk food? there shouldn't be. there is no point. whether or not the market is ine3xpensive, it still rakes in a lot of revenue, the only thing that needs to change in a person's diet is there mind set and proportions. a tax on junk food would only hurt. When the price is raised, people will switch to fruits, which still have natural sugars and even those in large quantities are bad to health.
Ana Manzanares P. 3
ReplyDeleteIt is a bad idea to put taxes on junk food in order to reduce obesity in America. The statistics given in this article show that consumers would switch to foods with more salt or fatty dairy items anyway. In addition, losing a pound a year is not enough to solve the obesity problem. The government should try to use other methods, such as enforcing companies to have certain health standards, in order to attack this huge problem America is facing. Taxing junk food is not the direction the government should be going on this subject.
What can be classified as unhealthy? The article talks about putting a tax on regular soda because it is making americans over wieght and their obesity will cost the government in the long run. However, diet soda contains aspartame a artificial sugar that is shown to cause cancer which would also cost the government in health care bills. Therefore, how is the government to decide what is healthy and what is not? Also health and nutrition is on the rise in america with more tv shows and books available to the public. Taxes on junk food may or may not work but educating people on what is healthy and what is not healthy can help many citizens make better chooses about their eating habits and lifestyles.
ReplyDeleteRachel Besser
Period 1
I personally don't think taxing junk food would change much- if an overweight junky still wants his fix of the unhealthy foods, he's gonna find a different, less expensive way of obtaining them (like McDonald's and other fast food "restaurants", they are cheap and always will stay cheap because that is how they make their $) Money isn't going to motivate the unhealthy people to stop eating crap, they have to care about their well being and fitness first to make a difference in their life. "And unfortunately, consumers in both scenarios did the last thing any anti-obesity crusader would want: Facing higher grocery bills, they bought fewer fruits and vegetables." Point taken.
ReplyDeleteO Elkaim
Pd 5.
One of the growing epidemics is obesity and if its such a personal problem to people, why can't they merely have the simple control of the problem of this issue, STOP EATING JUNK? The average weight of men and women is size 14! That's like saying out of 5 random people 3 of them will be over-weight. Honestly, if someone is that contradicting in the concern of their own health we the people should put our foot down and not let them lead any further in their demise. I'm tired of hearing about all these stress oriented problems with people when they don't even lack the knowledge of what to do that's right and will benefit them self. If taxing cigarettes helped bring the growing rate of point-less cancer leading tumor sticks that pleased people so much, then why wouldn't it do the same for the growing rate of the junk who people adore to indulge themselves with way too much, concluding with unhealthy abuse and disorders. Hey, its not like the people in control of this matter will just completely get rid of these types of foods, but simply saying "you need to limit this unhealthy substance and rationalize with your health". Obviously nothing is good to abuse, so hick up your skirts and have some control. TAX AWAY GOVERNMENT..
ReplyDeleteI believe that putting a tax on junk food would not stop the obesity problem in our country. People who enjoy junk food are not gonna stop eating junk food because of a tax. Also it will be very difficult to regulate what counts as "junk food" and it will be difficult to decide which foods are taxed and based on what. There are other ways to stop obesity. This can be done by regulating serving sizes at restaurants or regulating the amount of fat that restaurants can serve. Or just by educating people on how to eat properly and stress the importance of exercise. But adding taxes to junk food in hopes to solve the obesity problem in our country will not solve the problem, as there are too many strings attached to make this possible.
ReplyDeleteStephen Cohen
Pd. 3
Period 6
ReplyDeletePutting a tax on junkfood is an ineffective way to try and lower the obesity rates in the United States. Just as the article explains, putting a tax a junkfood will not stop the junkfood eaters from buying these unhealthy products; a tax will only encourage them to buy fewer healthy products such as fruits and vegetables to make room in their budget for their favorite unhealthy snacks. Althought the tax on cigarettes has proven to be effective, there are way to many unhealthy options for people to turn to. As statistics show, if taxes are placed on saturated fats, people will be more likely to buy salty foods, which defeats the whole point of the tax. Instead of taxing, the government should put more effort into obesity educational programs, so that the population of obese people can recieve weight loss help and learn about healthier food alternatives.
In theory, a tax on junk food seems like a great way to combat the bad eating habits of the majority of Americans. Unfortunately, a unrealistic tax of over 10% is necessary in order to see a change in consumption. The "sin tax" on cigarettes works so well because users must either pay up or quit but this does not apply to food purchases. Because of the myriad of choices of unhealthy foods, many consumers can just buy a similarly unhealthy food item that isn't taxed. A more effective way to curb our nation's current obesity epidemic is to lower the price of low fat foods as well as fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that when healthier foods are discounted, purchases increase. Also, this enables needy families to purchase healthy foods that they normally cannot afford. Most importantly, everyone must remember to exercise as well as eat healthy foods in order to maintain their weight loss.
ReplyDeleteEmily Nyren
Period 1
There is an obesity problem in the United States. The question is what are we doing about it? As the article states, there have been many proposals for a tax on junk food, but are those really realistic? The junk foods are the easiest and most convenient to buy. It is easier to have a bag of chips and a cold soda for a snack rather than an apple and a glass of water. Americans love what is most convenient for them. A tax on junk foods won't necessarily stop Americans from consuming them. Additionally, as the article mentions, what about the single mother who is just trying to get by? Junk foods may be her only option most of the time. Furthermore, placing a tax on junk foods would make it harder for the lower income families. A junk food tax is not going to solve our obesity problem in the US.
ReplyDeleteNatalie Deutsch
period 1
Anybody who said they think we should put a tax on this crazy!
ReplyDeleteIf my grandma owns a bakery; are you going to tax her cookies. Are you going to make sure my grandma's fat obese cookies don't find there way into your tummies, because you know my grandma sole purpose is for everyone to take insulin shots every few hours and make sure they gain 60 pounds of fat.
(5th Hour)
We all know US is the fattest country in the world, and the sizes are growing!!! Its appaling how unhealthy people in the US are and the lack of care people show to our rising obesity problem. Its is these reason why our government even feels the need to get involved, but i hate the idea that goverment should have to make insentives to get us to eat healthier. People should be doing this automaticly, so the governemnt control isnt anymore than it needs to be. but do to the fact that people in the US arent responsible enough to make the right choices i think it would be best for the government to increase tax on unhealthy foods and lower tax on healthy foods. i do think there would be a delema on where to draw the line on whats healthy or unhealthy. Lastly i would ask id diet coke really that much healthier than regular coke. while it may not have all the sodium it has other chemicals in its place.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Rich
1st period
As ideal as it would be for the government to create some way to stop obesity, taxing certain foods that they consider to be junk food isn't the right way. By allowing the government to decide which food they consider junk or not simply would cause major problems. Instead, if they lowered the prices of healthier foods so instead of someone going to stop at McDonalds because they have a dollar menu, they go to the store and pick up something better for them and just as inexpensive. But even with lowered prices on the healthier foods, people would still go back to junk food. The main reason why people are obese is not because junk food is so incredibly cheap, but because it tastes better to them, and once they start eating they never want to stop. Putting this high tax on junk food might help to a point, but people would still be obese in America.
ReplyDeleteSabina Flores
Period 6
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete(In tune with the nursery rhyme Old McDonald had a farm) With a tax here and tax there, here a tax, there a tax, everywhere a tax. Sounds childish? I agree. Well, with the addition of taxing junk food and/or unhealthy foods, Old McDonald's Nursery rhyme is the inevitable outcome. It is absurd to compare the health affects of cigarettes to junk food. The adverse affects caused by cigarettes dwarfs any of the affects from junk food. However, this is not to say too much junk food won’t cause bodily harm. An increase in weight and decrease in daily exercise is a sure recipe for disaster. Also, the addition of this junk food tax just shows that will power is no longer a personal asset, but instead, a service provided by the government in the form of steep prices to make one rethink the purchasing of unhealthy foods. Thus, this tax almost drives us to the very type of government which we fight to overthrow in other countries; totalitarianism. Yes, the junk food tax would be in a sense, totalitarianism, because the government is choosing for you that the said item is unhealthy rather than your own self choice. Thus, the right of free choice is limited, which is indeed a step towards totalitarianism.
ReplyDeleteDavid Schneider
Period 5
Because the US has an obesity issue, taxing snack foods may seem like a good idea. But, research has shown that it is not. According to studies, placing a 10% tax on snack foods would only eliminate less than one pound a year, and consumers would start to turn to salty foods rather than fatty foods. But, salty foods are not good for a healthy diet either. If the government wants to effectively reduce the obesity problem, they should lower the prices of healthier foods, such as fruits and vegetables. This would give consumers an incentive to buy healthier foods, and to have healthier life-styles.
ReplyDeleteJennifer Lubell
Period 3
Well, i agree with this article because people should make the right choice and taxing junk food will make people choose correctly what they are putting in their bodies. As others said, people stopped smoking cigarettes when we taxed it and why not do it for junk food. It will definately work out well and will cut down the obesity level of the U.S. but on the other hand, people will still go out and buy junk food just because its so expensive, so their going to enjoy it more because not many people have it, even though its bad for you.
ReplyDeleteAlec (amazin) Mallinger
Period 6
Yeah sure people can say that the US is the fattest country in the world, but who's fault is that? Is the first thing people think of is the government? No. It is the people who are to blame. I don't need my government raising the price on a bag of my favorite Cheddar Sun-Chips because they think it'll make health care cheaper. If they really want to step in on my lifestyle then they should make healthy food cheaper.
ReplyDeleteAnd everyone here should stop stereotyping Americans as if not one makes their own decisions.
-Matt Hetelson per.5
Putting taxes on junk food seems like a good idea, but unfortunately it really isnt. The article shows that even if they did put a 10% tax on coke, it would raise the price by only 15 cents. Thats certainly not going to stop anyone from buying coke.The best solution is to let people make thier own choices and educate them on making better health choices.
ReplyDeleteSara Khan
Tara Cooper
ReplyDeleteperiod 5
I do not agree with putting taxes on junk food. People should be able to choose what they want to eat, and if they want to eat junk food they should not have to pay extra for it. Healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables are expensive and not everyone can afford them. Why can't the government help the farmers to lower the prices on fresh fruit and vegetables? The government should not get involved in this, people should be able to eat whatever they want. Yes, the taxes on cigarettes have been successful, but the government should not get involved with something so personal as what you choose to eat.
Passing a tax on junk food would force people to eat healthier food. If fast food restaurants dont change their menus to a healthier menu, that billion dollar market could lose a large portion of its income. Solving all our problems with taxation seems like an easy way out to a problem of choice, a choice between what we want and what we need.
ReplyDeleteChris Lee
Period 4
A tax on junk food, may cause some people to start to eat wisely. However, when you start taxing food you start to control people lives in the way that they eat and live. This is a democratic society not a communist one.
ReplyDeleteZach Bacchus
Period 5
I think that a tax on junk food would not solve anything. The statistics given in the article are not impressive, and a fat person who has a junk food addiction is not going to stop eating the food because of a small price increase. In addition, nobody is thinking of the healthy people who like junk food every once in a while.I like junk food, and putting a tax on it would not make me stop buying it.
ReplyDeleteI strongly disagree with almost any taxation at all. I understand the need for tax revenues for defense, federal operations, roadways, airports, etc. and do not mind paying one's fair share. However, this sort of tax on sweet foods reeks of big brother (socialism) in trying to dictate the behavior of the populus and modify Americans' behavior as many other "social" programs have done, to the detriment of the people (e.g. welfare payments discourage people to work, when they can stay home and get a check for doing nothing!). Despite how possibly good-intentioned this may be, it serves to give government more control over our lives and more money to waste.
ReplyDeleteDillon Boslow
Period 4
Americans are addicted to junk food. A small price increase isn't going to prevent an addict from obtaining it. Every time you put something in your mouth you think about it, its a choice, and there is a reason we are the most over weight country in the world. I would like to believe that taxing junk food would gear people towards the more healthy choice, but unfortunately I think that is completely unrealistic thought.
ReplyDeleteAli Schnurmacher
p. 5
Katelyn Kennedy
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
The tax that would be placed on "junk food" would not solve America's problem with obesity related illnesses. The weight loss from not eating the taxed junk food is insignificant. By just focusing on the bad side of America's diet, the actual source is neglected. America's obesity problem is due to a bad diet, affordability of healthy foods, and lack of exercise. Without adjusting the price of healthy foods, the families who are struggling with income will not be able to afford to eat healthy and better their health. Therefore, this tax might help a small amount, but the real problem is not solved.
Adding a tax to junk food in my opinion will not make anybody healthier. The real problem is the lack of exercise. If you eat enough of anything and do not exercise, you will be unhealthy. The article even said that in Maine a tax on some foods did not do anything to make people healthier. This will not work and is not fair to the companies that make the junk foods because they will lose money.
ReplyDeleteAdam Greenstein
period 6
period 1
ReplyDeletePlacing a tax on junk food would not solve any problems. The people who buy junk food frequently would probably not mind spending that extra 15 cents and would do anything to get the junk food either way. The people who do mind spending the extra few cents might choose to buy a different product, which is good for their health, but the business whose product they turned down will lose money. It was shown that reducing soda intake by 100 calories a day would result in only half a pound of weight loss after 18 months. This is not a significant enough number to make government raise the taxes. It would only make most of the Americans who buy these products unhappy.
Adam Clayman
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
I completely disagree on taxing junk foods to try and reduce the pressure on our health system. People have the right to eat what they want and live with the decisions they make. Everybody will still, even if taxed, consume as much junk food as they want. Lower income families sadly rely on this type of "junk" food (e.g. McDonald's) since they cant afford regular restaurant priced meals.
Passing a tax on junk foods could help with the way most people eat, but not solve all of the problems. Taxes have been set on tobacco products and people still continue to use them, the numbers are lower but exist. The real problem lies within the person. Instead of taxing junk foods, the people that are eating the junk food should go for jog or to the gym. The problem is people have gotten lazy and need to learn to act responsibly and take actions for their own mistakes.
ReplyDeleteJosh Budler
Pd 6
There is no reason to place taxes on junk food. It wouldn't be fair to those who don't abuse eating them. On top of that it wouldn't make that much of a difference. The weight that consumers would "lose" would be very little. Also consumers would turn to salty foods as a replacement. Those are just as bad. Raising the prices on unhealthy food shouldn't have to be done. If a person wants to eat poorly then that is their decision. Managing what you eat should be decided by oneself. It shouldn't be influenced by the government.
ReplyDeleteBilly Schlesinger
Period 3rd
In my opinion putting a tax on junk food would be a horrible idea. What should happen is that we should lower the cost of healthy foods. If the cost of foods that are much healthier for you dropped, more people would be inclined to buy it. So many people want to buy healthier foods for their families, but they can't afford to pay for it so they end up going for something quick and unhealthy to eat. In most cases when people are on the run, junk food is easier to take with us. The other side of this too is that most people know when to stop eating junk food or they moderate how much of it they eat, so it would be unfair to those who watch how much unhealthy food they consume and then go and tax them for something that doesn't affect them personally. It shouldn't be the choice of the government of to tax junk food.
ReplyDeleteAmanda Kalt
Period 4
I agree with his article. I do think there should be a tax on junk food. Choosing to eat unhealthy food is a personal decision but with all those fast food restaurants and the One Dollar menus their is more likeliness of people to eat that food since it's so cheap and nowadays people don't want to waste to much money. And they don't realize the food their eating is not healthy at all for their body. For example with the taxing on cigarettes their were some people that brought cigarettes less often. the same could happen with junk food. There will be some people that might go less often to Mcdonalds or Burger King and in the long run it would benefit themselves.
ReplyDeleteAna Torres
i don't agree with this article, government shouldn't tax junk foods cause its a choice people make. another side effect of taxing junk foods is that not only will many of the larger junk food manufacturers lose money (which we cant afford in this economy) but the prices of healthy foods will also go up thus causing the exact same ratio of price but the price being a lot higher.
ReplyDeleteIts pretty obvious that no other country has an obesity problem like we do in the US. In my opinion, taxing junk food will not dwarf the obesity problem in our country. I understand that obesity plays a big role in the health care debate, but this approach isnt the right way to go. A person that loves food and wants to eat all day will eventually become obese no matter what kind of food they eat, whether it be junk food, or a lot of carbs and meats, it doesn't make a difference. In my opinion education is the right way to approach this problem. Parents need to monitor what their children consume and proide them with the right amounts of daily nutrients to keep them healthy. Although it's not only the eating habits that need to be changed. Americans need to be more active in their everyday lives in order to burn the excess food that they eat. If someone is truely a "food lover" and is trying to stay in shape, they can still eat all the foods they want to but they MUST exercise! It's not that hard. Instead of trying to change our society for the obese, I think they should change their habits to better fit in with society.
ReplyDeleteEden Mordechai
period 6
I believe that putting taxes on junk food would not make those people who consume these completly change their eating habits, however, they would suffer the consequences monetarily and would think twice about the amount of junk foods they consume, this will reduce obesity in america and also help the nations economy.
ReplyDeletePutting a tax on junk food is pointless. It is the people's decision eat what they want and it is a freedom of choice. Poeple that eat foods that are bad for health can exercise and therefore reduce the heatlh risk created by eating junk foods. There should be no tax and people should be allowed to eat what they want. If they don't exercise to stay healthy, that's their problem and not the governemnt's.
ReplyDeleteperiod 1
Morgan Sutton Period 1
ReplyDeletePutting this small tax (15 cent increase) on soda would not stop people from buying what they like. In the study cited in the article, the increase in price only caused the 810 people in the study to lose half a pound in 18 months, insignificant when the goverment is placing these taxes in order to lower the obesity rate of america. I do agree with pricing healthier food for less, because this would enable people who are spending less money on food (because of the recession) to be able to afford healthier food.
Jolie Schrager Per. 6
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, the tax on junk food will not be successful due to the obsession and addiction obese America has. Although a factor to the junk-food fad is low price, it can never be so high that American's will not be able to afford it. Also, the fact that it is quick and easy is another reason people eat this type of food; Americans will not sacrifice this. However, making healthier food have lower costs can significantly change the diets of obese people because they have no excuses. I think that they only way for someone to change their eating habits is self-motivation, and by increasing the prices of fattening food, will have no impact on Americans.
Chrissy Reynolds, period 5
ReplyDeletePlacing a tax on junk food will not stop people from buying what they like. Although prices may be raised, americans are set out to get what they want, especially when it comes to food. Obesity in america is not based on the amount of money placed on the food, it is based on peoples choices. If people chose not to eat what they desired, it wouldn't be because of the tax put on it. I think that putting a tax on junk food will not be successful and will not stop people from continuing to eat what they desire.
Period 1.
ReplyDeleteTaxing junk food is absolutly uncalled for. People who have weight troubles shouldn't have to rely on the government to discourage them from eating the wrong foods, instead they should learn to manage there own diets as well as health. If taxes were plcaed upon junk foods it will only aggrevate the consumers and will cause a greater hinderence to their shopping lists.
I think there should be a tax on junk food because obesity in America is at an all time high. The only problem is that the government is going to have a difficult time deciding what classifies as junk food and what does not.
ReplyDeleteAlli England
period 3
Kelly Ritenbaugh, period 5
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with this article. I believe that rather than placing a tax on junk food, the price of healthy foods should be lowered. And besides, who would decide what's junk food? If taxes were placed on junk food, the government, in a way, would be limiting our freedom. Rather than placing a tax on junk food, the government should be trying to come up with an affordable plan that will help obese people loose weight.
Andrea Mansourian, period 6
ReplyDeleteI also do not agree with this article. The price of healthy food should be lowered because more people would be able to afford it. Also, I believe that the cost of food that is made for people with allergies should be lowered. These foods tend to be healthier so it would be benificial for everyone!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletei do not agree with this, the reason why people eat jumk food is because its typically cheaper then the healthier foods, rather then making junk food more expensive they should make healthy foods cheaper.
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
ReplyDeleteIm in between taxing it and not. Sure, there are certain benefits to taxing junk food, but then again that wont exactly dramatically change the number of people who buy junk food. I think that junk food should b more expensive and healthier foods should be cheaper which would slowly convince Americans to buy healthier foods. But I also think the government should tax other things like cigarettes, but thats beside the point.
A tax on junk food is a step in the right direction, but it is not enough. People are recognizing that the most effective way of bettering the health of our nation is working from the root of the problem instead of tending to the effects of it. I think that in order for this to be effective, the government would have to make education on health and food a major priority. But as i said, this is a good start. I just don't think a 30 cent increase in the price of a bag of chips with 17 servings in it is gonna wake anyone up. We live in a nation where food is being capitalized on as a form of entertainment instead of a means of achieving a healthier happier life. The change needs to take place in the minds and outlooks of the people, and their pockets could be a promising way to reach them.
ReplyDeleteKate Tanner
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
Although the statistics are poor and arent showing much result i think adding taxes to unhealty foods can act as the first step to lowering obesity in the US. At the rate obesity is rising anything to cut it short can help. But i also feel if they tax unhealthy foods they need to find a way to lower healthy food prices. When someone has the choice of grabbing the the $5 organic corn chips or the $2.50 salty corn chips the average american would go for the lower price not even looking to see which is healthier. In the end i still agree that adding taxes to unhealthy foods is a good first step.
Brian Elsken
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
Seems like a good idea. But, exactly what foods will the government consider junk food? I bet most restaurant's chicken fingers are close to as bad as McDonald's. Hmmm..
Jennifer Karekos
ReplyDeletePeriod 6
At first, taxes on junk food seem to be a good idea in order to conquer the obesity problem in America. The question is whether or not these taxes would produce more results than problems. With the current stress of the economy and America's pocketbook, it seems like it could cost Americans a lot more financially. Even if a tax like this was introduced, I am sure Americans would still turn to alternative foods that could be just as unhealthy. I think it might help to reduce the cost of produce, but it still might not cause people to turn to healthier options. Junk food is simple, cheap, and convenient. Research explained that even if a 10% tax was added to all junk foods and soft drinks, only one pound would be lost per year. That would not really make a substantial difference in the population's health and future health care system. I believe this tax would be more detrimental to America's pocketbooks as opposed to improving America's health problems.
Eileen Aber
ReplyDeletePeriod 3
Raising the cost of junk food would be an ineffective way to try and conquer the nation's obesity problems. First of all, it would be nearly impossible to differentiate between what is junk food and what is not. Everyone has a guilty pleasure of eating junk food, and often times satisfying your cravings is more important than the extra tax put on the food. The research discovered that if this tax was put on the junk food, only an average of one pound per year would be lost. These high prices would unfortunately not even brush the surface of the obesity problem. If this tax was to be initiated, you would have many unhappy Americans and in the current state of our economy this extra tax could find Americans in more trouble than what they are already in financially.
Mariah Schaflin
ReplyDeletePeriod 3
It seems like a good idea to tax junk food in order to reduce obesity, but i don't think the impact would be large enough on those abusers. Those who want junk food will find some way of getting it. Yes it may not be healthy but those who don’t abuse it should not have to pay more for their once in a while treat. Unless truly abused like any other thing, junk food can't harm you so if we taxed junk food then would we have to tax anything that when abused could cause harm? The goal of this idea at first seems beneficial, however once thought about more it seems it might not be the perfect solution.
I do not agree with the government's idea to place taxes on junk food, to reduce obesity. People who buy and eat junk food are making a choice, as are people who are shopping at Whole Foods and only eat organic food. People who eat junk food are more then likely not going to be bothered by an extra few cents added to the price of junk food. Obesity is a growing problem in America, and although taxing junk food at first may help the problem, it will only last so long before poeple (espicially those who are obese) decide that the junk food is worth it. Perhaps the government should impose some kid of laws against what can be used in the production of junk foods (like in New York where they banned transfats).
ReplyDeleteperiod 5
Stefanie Taback
Raising the cost of junk food by putting a heavy tax on it would be very ineffective, but may be beneficial for the government spending. People will always buy junk food no matter what the increase of the price is. Although, this will increase the obesity in America, which is a major health problem. All of the tax money on junk food would go towards the government spending. For example: roads, schools, etc. There is one major problem although because all of this tax money will have to go towards health care because people are putting their lives in danger by eating junk food and becoming obese. Hopefully one day people will not eat their feelings!!!
ReplyDeletePlacing a tax on junk food would be very ineffective. I think that a tax would not stop Americans from buying junk food. Moreover, eventually people would be in such a bad economic situation, that they will even end up buying more junk food to comfort themselves. Furthermore, I think that the government should reduce prices of healthy foods, and enable Americans to make the right choice themselves. This way people would not feel like they are being forced to do anything, or that their rights are being infringed upon. I think that a tax on junk food will not have the same effects that a tax on cigarettes did because food is a necessity for life, and most people in America can only afford junk food.
ReplyDeleteNimita Uberoi
Hsiao-Wen Chang
ReplyDeleteperiod 6
While I do see the concept behind taxing junk foods, it's impractical. Food and drink are things that people can't live without, no matter how unhealthy they are. Comparing them to something like cigarettes wouldn't be justified because they aren't a necessary part of the human diet. While you might say that high fructose corn syrup and high levels of calories aren't necessary either, think of someone looking for a quick meal. He or she will go for the first thing that comes to mind for the sake of time, and more or less, McDonalds or a related fast food chain will be that first thought. A much more intuitive idea would be to lower prices of healthy things while also raising the prices of unhealthy things, as the article states.
Matthew Mackler
ReplyDeleteTaxing fast food would be a bad decision in poor economic times. Fast food is a cheap and convenient alternative to sit down restaurants, as no tip is required and it takes very little time to make the food. Many lower income families eat at fast food chains do to these very reasons. Taxing fast food would put a strain on their wallets and cause their standard of living to decrease and decrease the amount of money put into other industries of the economy. Taxing fast food would hurt many Americans and a thriving American industry.
Kaitlin Calihan
ReplyDeletePeriod 04
I think this idea is ridiculous. I believe that putting tax on all unhealthy food is an over ambitious idea and unltimately will harm the economy. The way people eat is a personal choice and I don't agree with the government controlling that. Maybe, instead of trying to highly tax food considered unhealthy, why not create more healthy fast food networks. A main reason why so many Americans are accustomed to opting to the mcdonalds, burger kings, and taco bells of the world is because they provide a quick, easy, and cheap way to satisfy hunger. If companies could open drive in salad bars, or actual healthy meals that were available at a decent cost then I'm sure more people would go that route. There is so much food out there, exactly how would the government decide "what's healthy and what's not?" I think it's obsurd to attempt this.
Marissa Wollstein
Putting a tax on junk food would be absurd. Who is going decide how much fat is too much or if "baked" potato chips fall into the junk food category. There is simply too much food out there to impose a tax, it would be impossible.
Brett Sheldon
ReplyDeletePeriod 3
I don't think there should be a tax on fast food. First off, a lot of people, including me, happen to like fast food. Fast food is fast and delicious. But then on the economical reasoning of why there should be no tax, we're in a depression, why try and execute the fast food business when people need to spend money?? Fast food has been a great income for the United States economy. Why take it away?
Gabriel Ushinohama
ReplyDeletePeriod 6
I dont think there should be a tax on junk food. If you relate this with the problem of health care then you should look at it from a different point of view. If health care is provided from the government, we would undoubtly be taxed. So why should we be taxed for both health care and junk food? From my point of view that is a lose-lose situation.
Brandon Schuster
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
I think taxing junk-food items would be a great idea! It has proved successful with tobacco products and I think this could produce similar results. Not only would this help our economy, but maybe this will finally be a wake-up call for millions of Americans to stop depending on fast-food. Maybe one person will spare the Coke or Pepsi for a bottle of water or skip the drive in line at McDonalds for a bowl of salad... There needs to be a little push in society to start making healthier choices and I believe that this will do the trick! When taxes started to be placed on tobacco products, a lot of Americans got the wake-up call to stop smoking because quite honestly who wants to pay all that money for something that is bad for you anyways. If we start taxing fast food products then I think we could see drastic changes over the next 10 years (at least) in terms for health care. I mean, a little protein and nutrition never hurt anybody... It's just not worth paying for (excuse my language) "crappy" food. And already many Americans are getting that message. So right there, if we do decide to tax fast-food products, we have killed the two biggest birds with one stone - economy and health care!
Dimitre Ganev
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
I absolutely disagree with this article. First of all, why punish consumers instead of rewarding them? The article states that cutting the price of fruits and vegetables would be a much more effective way of dealing with obesity than taxing junk food. Besides, the studies conducted have shown that taxing junk food is not as effective as it first sounds. In terms of health, everyone has a responsibilty of choosing their own lifestyle based on the foods they eat, so let the people make the decision.
I believe that putting a tax on junk food would not affect America's obesity problem. The prices would still be fairly cheap, and the convenience would still be present. A few dollars and cents wouldn't stop America's cravings for fatty, greasy, unhealthy foods. Also, according to this article, scientists predict that even if people do stop eating junk food, they would still turn to other foods which may cause even more damage to their bodies. So putting a tax on uhealthy food would be pointless and possibly more harmful.
ReplyDeleteBarbara Efraim p.6
Junk food should not be taxed. If people dont know by now that junk food will kill you (not good for you), then they might as well eat all of it. All someone has to do is type in google "healthy diet" and will understand how bad junk food is for ones body. Looks good though. For people that know how to eat, they can indulge themselves with this kind of food once in a while (TAXFREE) if they have no money and need a quick meal. Dont punish the rest of the people that have self control.
ReplyDeleteAlex Mazza
ReplyDeletePeriod 3
I do not believe junk food such as chips and soda should be taxed. Food would be much more difficult to tax compared to cigarettes. Cigarettes are one thing, while there are many variations of junk food. There would be much conflict if on junk food company was being taxed when another wasn't because the other company had one less gram of sugar. Drawing the line would be difficult, and would most likely cause more problems. Now, obesity is a major problem in the USA and NEEDS to be stopped, but I do not believe this is the way. Maybe i'm wrong.... there are pros, and cons to this debate, it could end up working, but for now I am sticking to my opinion of it not working.
The fact of the matter is people enjoy junk food in this country; placing a tax on it will not change the twenty-year-old habit of this junk food crave. However coming up with an alterative such as certain businesses placing cheaper healthier and EDIBLE choices on the menu can ultimately result in a healthier, and smaller America.
ReplyDeleteSofia Radoslovich
I do not agree with article. If Americans would just make the right decision to eat moderately then the issue of Health Care and Taxes would not have to be dealt with. The current Recession has made an impact on what people decide to eat because "the dollar menu" that McDonalds offers makes it easier to afford food. But, if these kinds of taxes are pass then the low-income individuals will just choose even more fattening and cholesterol high meals to fit their budget not their jean size.
Putting a tax on junkfood would not solve anything. Laws dont stop drug attics from doing drugs do they? If a law was passed to tax junk foods ya there may be a rise in healthy people but only because some of the unhealthy can no longer afford the junk food because of the tax. As soon as these people can regain money in their pocket they are going to be buying the same unhealthy food that they were before.Taxing junk food solves nothing. The unhealthy people neeed to learn a new lifestyle. This would make them healthier...Not taxing their junk food
ReplyDeleteAndrew Colman
Period 3
I dont think that the government shoul put a tax on junk food. In a bad economy, people are relieved to be able to get a meal for a very cheap price. Unless there was a subsite for junk food that was just as cheap and more healthy, it would not be fair to the lower class of america, and even the middle class now, to put taxes on junk food. Almost all the people who eat junk food know that it is bad for them, but they make their own decision to eat it or not. The government should not be allowed to try and alter personal choices by raising prices. It is almost like taking away a small freedom of the people to be able to eat what they want. For all we know in the future the price of junk food could be higher than any other food on the market.
ReplyDeleteElan Kissin
period 6
I disagree that we should food. Just because people can't control themselves, not everyone should waste even more money into food. Food is a necessity, whether it be junk or healthy food. Unlike cigarettes, food isn't addicting like niccotine, and people could definitely control how much food they eat. This is basically punishing everyone who eats healthy, just because of fat people who are complaining because they eat so much. I believe that's wrong, and fat people should keep getting fatter for their consenquences of eating so much. They shouldn't blame junk food and tell the government to control how much they eat, they should change themselves.
ReplyDeleteLucas D'Onofrio
Period 6
I think that education and awareness is the solution to all problems concerning health. We must teach students in school the importance of a healthy diet. Our society is still unaware of the grave risks associated with unhealthy food habits. This article showed that taxing junk foods had very little effect on the amount of weight loss per year. Even when all junnk foods were taxed, studies showed that people turned to other equally satisfying fatty fods, like dairy products. The amount of fruits and vegetables consumed still remained minimal. I think that the prices of fruits and vegetables should be reduced in order to get people to start wanting to eat healthy. Instead of fast food chains we should have healthy food chains. After all, it should be cheaper to bring healthy foods straight from the garden than to process foods in factories, add chemicals, and sell packaged foods.
ReplyDeleteNikita Uberoi