You have to admit, Facebook has morphed into a creepy destination for voyeurs and inane little vessels of drivel. Ween yourself, man....it'll be the best thing you ever did for your sanity and intellect. Click on the link above to discover the eight steps to emancipation.
Your generosity to teach and lead students continues to astonish me Mr.Turkey.
ReplyDeletefacebook is no doubt about it an addicting website..
ReplyDeletepeople can opperate their facebook from not only from the facebook wesite its self but from their emails, text messages, even to an application on their cell phones... people now know and have heard of other people around their community and world through facebook .. you dont have to talk to a person to know who their going out with who their friends are, when their birthday is, and even what school they go to and what grade they are in . facebook is the perfect stalker website..which is why i think people love it soo much ..
it is addicting ..
i am one of the addicts.
- sylvie oukine
period 5
Billy Schlesinger
ReplyDeletePeriod 3
I don't understand how people become "addicted" to facebook. It's just a social tool to keep in touch with your friends.People who fail to complete tasks because of it have a problem. The problem isn't that they can't get off of facebook, but that they lack the will power. If you can't stay away from the website because you have to update your status every twenty seconds or comment on your friends' pictures then your left with only a single option. Delete it. When one learns that he/she has more important priorities then he/she can restore it. For the rest of the people out there who can control themselves like me. I have more wall posts than you. Therefore I'm a lot more popular j/k :)
I am a self-confessed facebook addict, and though it may be a major procrastination tool sometimes, i think being mildly addicted is not so bad.The website is a great way to communicate with people. Facebook is the perfect way to destress between the hectic schedules that students follow day in day out. However being obsessed to the point in which it's all you do is not a facebook issue but an issue with the person in question. Total facebook dependency is definately a sign of a lack of a life. If that's the case, the article's steps are a perfect remedy.
ReplyDeleteEverywhere you go that has computers, you are bound to see at least one person on Facebook. It has become not only a national, but worldwide obsession. I can honestly say I go on Facebook almost ocne a day. Some could consider me a "Facebook Adict" but I think it is normal in this time that young adults all become part of one website. It first started with Myspace, then about our freshman year changed to Facebook. Facebook was created to keep friends, family and just acquaintances in touch, and it still does that today.It is not only on computers but also on cellphones now meaning you can check Facebook anywhere. With that option available, it is hard not to become somewhat of an addict. I think as long as you keep your addiction to a maximum, I would think its healithy. However, for those that check facebook every single 5 minutes, well they need to follow those steps to a life without that unhealthy addiction.
ReplyDelete-Sabina Flores Pd. 6
Period 6
ReplyDeleteLet's face it, most everyone who has a facebook has had a period of facebook obsession. For most this infatuation dies down after a while but for others it becomes an unhealthy addiction. Time does seem to fly while on facebook, but when one spends all their time on this website, there is defiantly a problem. This social networking tool should be used as a source for communication and not something to become overly indulged in. For anyone who has taken facebook to the extreme, this method is the perfect solution to end the obsession.
Ali Schnurmacher
ReplyDeleteP. 5
I am a facebook addict. I also think that almost every kid/teenager in today's society is. Pretty much wherever you go facebook is in the palm of your hand. It you don't have a computer to check it you can also put it on your phone which makes it very easily accessible. When something happens there is immediately a chance for you to see it and respond to it cause it comes to your phone. I think facebook is a great way of communication, but you shouldn't let facebook consume you life in the sense that you are always thinking about it, changing your status, uploading pictures, or commenting on your friends wall. your work. Right when I remembered I had to comment on a blog I went on the internet, my start up page is facebook and without realizing I was on for 30 minutes. When you are on facebook time seems to fly, i also feel as if it is used to procrastinate. With all that being said for anyone who is a "facebook addict" this would be a great way to minimize the addiction.
Almost everyone I know has a facebook. Most people do become addicted to it, but I really only see it as a way to communicate with people and see how they are doing. Facebook has become an obsession for many people. Every time I sign on or any reason and look to see who is online, it is almost ALWAYS the same people. My brother, for example, never had a facebook, and was always commenting on how he felt it was so ridiculous for people to be on all the time. He now no longer loves close to any of his friends, so he got one. My brother, now, goes on facebook more than anyone I know. Most people not use it as a way to snoop around of others, which is pretty bad for the society.
ReplyDelete~Isabelle Boutros p. 6
I agree that Facebook has become like a powerful epidemic that has swept the country, specifically affecting adolescents. It seems like almost everyone has made a Facebook account because everyone else made one. Once people understood the use and basics of Facebook, they began using Facebook for what I think it's intended purpose is: to remain in contact with their friends. However, I think this is a problem in itself because people believe that the only way to stay in touch with their friends is through the consistent use of this social networking website. There are other methods such as the phone or e-mail, or even writing letters if the friend or family member lives far away. These methods prevent people from "lurking" and "creeping", which is the other problem with Facebook. People either lurk the walls of other Facebook users, lurk the comments of various pictures, look to see who is friends with who, etc. Like the article has said, I think that people need to admit they have an addiction and take a stand against it. Facebook has taken over teenagers' lives and prevent them from doing their school work and thus, they do poorly in school. I agree that teenagers should drastically shorten their amount of time on Facebook and if all else fails, completely cancel their account. These people need to receive the cure for their addiction.
ReplyDelete-Brittany Williams
Period 6
Jennifer Karekos
ReplyDeletePeriod 6
Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. I have a facebook, but I mainly use it to learn about swim practices. On occasion, I talk to family and friends. My question is how do people spend hours on facebook with school, homework, and sports? People who are addicted to facebook need to probably get rid of it and get a life. Wouldn't people rather spend more time doing more constructive or even more fun activities? In my opinion, for those who can control themselves, facebook is a great communication tool.
Although facebook was created to be site in which people can stay in touch, it has turned into an obsession. Many people, including myself, check facebook constantly throughout the day. Having facebook accessible through email, text messaging, and the actual site, makes facebook much more addicting because you can be connected to it all day long, no matter where you are. Because facebook is visited so often, birthdays are never forgotten and you can easily see the status's of your facebook friend's relationships. Facebook is a great site that makes the time fly by, but it is unhealthy because it is used so often. If one feels the need to limit their addiction, or take facebook out of their lives completely, the steps in the article seem like a good idea to follow. But others, who want to keep facebook, should try to find other activities to do along with facebook, just so facebook doesn't completely take over their lives.
ReplyDeleteJennifer Lubell
Period 3
Facebook is a fun website to visit when your bored, but it could become an obsession. Personally facebook opens up as a home page on my internet, but I spend a small amount of time on it. I have never met someone addicted to facebook, so it is hard for me to believe people are on it for hours, and that someone has to make steps to get rid of that addiction. Facebook is harmless and helps people keep in touch there is no need for the "how to quit facebook" plan.
ReplyDeleteCory Highley
per 6
I must admit that I myself love facebook, but I do not believe that the amount of time I spend on it is excessive. As much as I enjoy being on facebook I know that there is a limit to the amount of time I should spend on it. If people are spending a ridiculous amount of time online then they do need to follow a "how to quit facebook plan." I mean imagine what they are missing by being online.
ReplyDeletestefanie taback
pd 5
I have to admit that I am a facebook addict. However, facebook is the biggest distraction for getting anything done. As soon as I begin to type an essay on my computer, I open up my internet browser and am distracted by my facebook home page. Although the "how to quit facebook" plan is very through, facebook is addicting as any drug and the only way to stop the problem is to completely get rid of it and delete your facebook. However most people aren't likely to do that, so the facebook addiction problem will continue.
ReplyDeleteStephen Cohen
Pd. 3
I agree that facebook is an addiction, for some people. However, it is just like texting, or speeding; if you know how to control yourself, and you get your priorities strait, you have no problem. I think that the tools and tips given were very helpful, but I really doubt that anyone will completely delete their account. They might, however deactivate it which does nothing because it is very easy to just sign back in and continue from where you left off. For example, I deactivated my account, and a couple hours late I signed in and continued using facebook. I agree that facebook is a distraction, but it is going to take a lot more rid people of this addiction.
ReplyDeleteNimita Uberoi
Facebook can be addicting, but those who are obsessed, just can't think of anything else better to do with their time. I have a facebook so i can keep in touch with friends who don't live close by to me. Two of my best friends have moved and live in other countries. It is obviously to expensive to talk on the phone everyday, so facebook works for that. Also, with facebook, it is easier to get in touch with a large group of people at the same time. Overall facebook is good, but if people are spending hours on it, then thats just crazy.
ReplyDeleteAndrea Mansourian p.6
Im not a facebook addict, but Im logged on almost all day. I just keep it open when I do my homework...its not like im actually ON facebook looking at peoples profiles and stuff. So it is pretty much a waste of time. But other people are actually ON facebook all day commenting and looking at peoples profiles. Its pretty much a waste of time. If you think about it, facebook is just another communication device, except more visual. If a person wants to say something to someone, you just write on their wall. So really, I think people dont really have an addiction to facebook...more of an addiction to communication.
ReplyDeleteFacebook can be addicting, but those who are obsessed with it, just can't find anything better to do with their time. I have a facebook because I can keep in touch with my friends who don't live close to me. Two of my best friends have moved to different countries, so facebook makes talking with them even easier. Also, it is obviously too expensive to have phone conversations with them often, so facebook is helpful for that. If someone has a facebook addiction, they need to find something better to do with their time. Again, facebook is very helpful for some situations, but if the site is taking over peoples lives, they need to go do something productive.
ReplyDeleteAndrea Mansourian p.6
Though Facebook is a great way to communicate with friends, some people may become too obssesed with it. As long as grades are high and a social life is present, Facebook causes no harm. But if you're failing classes and you don't ever leave the house, and facebook is what you call an after school activity...follow these steps and get youself out of that chair and do some homework, or go study, or go out and have some fun!So going on facebook once in a while is beneficial, but spending all of your precious time on it-playing stupid little games or stalking everyone's profile and being a creeper-is heading you towards failure.
ReplyDeleteBarbara Efraim
Addicted to facebook... That's just stupid. What are you addicted to? Constantly talking to people? I don't understand what the point is... why not go outside and run or hang out with a friend in REAL LIFE. Or do your homework... Moderation is what is needed to keep this social tool productive. Otherwise one just wastes time partaking in superficial conversations or browsing at what the upper social class did this weekend.
ReplyDeleteTuri Reeves