Saturday, March 21, 2009

What Does It Mean To Be Presidential?

First of all, it's a relief to no longer feel embarrassment over my President (I've just begun capitalizing the word again). The last eight years were dominated by a White House of secrecy, lies, divisiveness, unilateralism, duplicity, disregard for the Constitution, and disdain for the diversity of public opinion. The image of the presidency was a rat-faced, small-minded man with the dimensions of cardboard and a vision of the world that brought us to the precipice of our demise. I can now look at the man in the White House and not cringe. I can listen to him speak without sensing the abrasiveness of nails on a chalkboard. I can measure my faith in his words and actions, and share his journey through the transparent vehicle he has chosen. Yes, the willingness to be a visible and unorthodox President can expose a misstep or two. But, I'm sure we want a human President. I'm sure we want a President who embraces the American culture. I'm sure we want a President who is flexible with the times. I am a teacher, do we envision a teacher today as someone who stands firmly at a chalkboard while lecturing kids in perfect rows to a state of somnolence? If you are not relevant to your students, it's a lost cause. I've evolved and tweaked my approach persistently so that my message never gets lost in the translation. The President has to shape his office to the people he serves, not vice versa. If he doesn't the people will tune out any translation. This is not your father's President and I'm alright with that.

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