Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Saudi Women Launch Lingerie Shop Boycott

Because of one of the more ironic twists of life in Saudi Arabia, women in that socially conservative country are staging a very public boycott. In this Middle Eastern kingdom women can not sit down and have coffee with a man who is not a relative. But if a woman needs to shop for undergarments she will only find male clerks to answer her most intimate questions. The result has been a completely uncomfortable experience for the women who often feel violated. Click on the title to get a glimpse of the unintended consequences of gender segregation in this mysterious country.

1 comment:

  1. Of course as an American this story seems very strange and absurd that women can not be employed at a lingerie store. To me it seems ridiculous that the religious laws can not be broken for something as personal as women buying underwear, the article makes the situation into a lose-lose situation and if that is the case it makes the solution a no brainer. But then again Americans have usually always disagreed with how women are treated in such countries in the middle east and what is truly going to change political minds this time? I am in favor of this small change to make a small part of women's lives more bearable while living in a fully paternal region. Hopefully this law will not be ignored for another 3 years and women will be able to have this simple pleasurable shopping experience.

    Nick Gonzalez
    period 6
