I can "monkey around", my life can be like a "barrel of monkeys", I can wear a "monkey suit", I can climb on the "monkey bars", I can swing like a "monkey"; but the most powerful man on the planet can't? Yikes, what does that make me...Mr. Universe? The flap over the NY Post cartoon is a sign that some people didn't get caught up in the wave of maturity that swept the nation last fall. We've looked past color and elected an African-American. You would think that Al Sharpton would be pleased that he's out of job? But no, Al made a name for himself keeping the racial divide open and he's not going to close up shop without a fight. I would bet that President Obama, in an objective moment over the economy, saw the humor in that cartoon. Or maybe he felt sorry and angered over the sub-text, the idiot who tried to domesticate a chimp in Connecticut. Maybe the next time we need an object to illustrate incompetence, we can caricature the image of Leslie Mostel-Paul.
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