Saturday, October 31, 2009

10/29/09 Podcast on GDP

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hip-Hop Econ, The Ten Principles in Rap Form

Click on the title above to access a musical approach to the Ten Key Economic Principles.

Monday, October 26, 2009

McDonald's Pulls Out Of Iceland

Iceland will have to do without the distinct odors of McDonald's as the chain closed its three remaining restaurants in the wake of a currency crisis. Iceland fell victim to the sub-prime mortgage fiasco and now struggles under the weight of massive debt. This has eliminated faith in the Krona and caused its value to plummet. McDonald's requires its store owners to import all meat, potatoes, etc. from Germany and the costs became prohibitive. Click on the title above to access the full story behind this franchises exit.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tax Porno

For many years it has been the practice of the Norwegian government to release the tax return/income statements of every citizen for transparency reasons. If the public can see the executives salary then its disparity with the norm can be kept in check. Some people use it for mere voyeurism as they pull the covers back on their neighbors and friends. Interestingly, this has been a practice in the U.S. at times in its history. Click on the title above to see how Norwegians feel about the practice and consider whether this should be renewed as a policy here.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The New Untouchables

This is a spectacular essay on the stark realities of the world. Being average doesn't cut it anymore. There's a computer or a worker in another labor market who can cover those jobs more efficiently. If you don't arrive in the future as an innovator and an entrepreneur then you will be the jobless in the phrase "jobless recovery". Our public education system could turn out to be the final straw in the collapse of the American empire, thus no other recovery plan should take precedence.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Food Inc.

Click on the title above to access an interview with the director of a recent documentary on the industrialization of food. While watching the video segment answer the following questions and e-mail the responses to me.


1. How has the consolidation of market share in the fast food industry affected everything we eat?
2. What are some of the invisible costs of cheap food?
3. How widespread is the presence of corn throughout our lifestyle?
4. What role does economics play in bad eating habits of Americans?
5. What factors in the industrialization of food play a role in making our food system dangerous to our health?
6. What can you do to change our food system?

You Thought We Had Problems?

There is grave concern over the bulging U.S. Federal debt we're amassing in light of this recent economic crisis. But ours pales in comparison to the debt currently saddling the country of Japan. If you click on the title you'll access an article that estimates its debt at twice the size of their GDP. The U.S. debt presently matches the nation's GDP. The Japanese have been mired in a recession for the better part of two decades.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Real-time Twitter Trends

You guys know you love your Twitter and you wait anxiously for every tweet. Have you ever wondered what the rest of North America is tweeting about? Well, your wait is over. Click on the title above to acess a real-time map of North America with constantly updated clues as to what is being discussed in your town, region, country, and continent. Wow, life just got a whole lot better.

SNL On Obama's Accomplishments

Click on the title above to read a rebuttal to the satire's assertion.

Dollars Fall Good For Exports

Friday, October 16, 2009

Scroogenomics:Why You Shouldn't Buy Presents for the Holidays

Christmas is a time of seasonal cheer, family get-togethers, holiday parties, and-gift giving. Lots and lots--and lots--of gift giving. It's hard to imagine any Christmas without this time-honored custom. But let's stop to consider the gifts we receive--the rooster sweater from Grandma or the singing fish from Uncle Mike. How many of us get gifts we like? How many of us give gifts not knowing what recipients want? Did your cousin really look excited about that jumping alarm clock? Lively and informed, Scroogenomics illustrates how our consumer spending generates vast amounts of economic waste--to the shocking tune of eighty-five billion dollars each winter. Economist Joel Waldfogel provides solid explanations to show us why it's time to stop the madness and think twice before buying gifts for the holidays. When we buy for ourselves, every dollar we spend produces at least a dollar in satisfaction, because we shop carefully and purchase items that are worth more than they cost. Gift giving is different. We make less-informed choices, max out on credit to buy gifts worth less than the money spent, and leave recipients less than satisfied, creating what Waldfogel calls "deadweight loss." Waldfogel indicates that this waste isn't confined to Americans--most major economies share in this orgy of wealth destruction. While recognizing the difficulties of altering current trends, Waldfogel offers viable gift-giving alternatives. By reprioritizing our gift-giving habits, Scroogenomics proves that we can still maintain the economy without gouging our wallets, and reclaim the true spirit of the holiday season.

Airline Pilots Used To Be "Gods"

If you ever saw the movie "Catch Me If You Can", you'll remember that pilots used to be a cut above the rest of us in the eyes of society. The recent heroic landing of the plane on the Hudson river reminded us of the skills experienced pilots have. How far the mighty have fallen. Click on the title above to read about the pedestrian conditions they now work under.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

You're Almost Always Near A McDonald's

Click on the title above to gaze at an amazing map and read about one man's study of urban sprawl. You'll notice from the article that if you are a Archiphobic the best place to live is South Dakota.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy

Click on the title above to access a video segment from Conan O'Brien's show. A funny segment on how spoiled we are in this amazing world. The comedian is Louis CK.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Uneducated American

Our nation is in crisis, how can a nation thrive when it's three most essential fundamentals are teetering? Housing has imploded, health care is unaffordable, and our nation's education system doesn't have the resources or the vision to deliver. This is the formula for an "opportunity apartheid" that will rip at the nation's social fabric. Click on the title above to read of the straits public education finds itself in.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Are You Surprised That President Obama Won The Nobel Peace Prize?

I believe it's not an exaggeration to say that the choice was a major surprise. Having only been President for 9 months, he's initiated some efforts but they have yet to reap tangible rewards. Click on the title above to read one man's opinion and weigh in on what this might mean for Obama's effectiveness forward.

2 Million Minutes-How Can Our School Children Compete With Their Peers In India And China?

The Worst Unemployment In The Country

Click on the title above for a video segment chronicling the devastating unemployment in Elkhart, Indiana. The unfortunate consequence when you become a one industry town.

Less Money, Mo Problems

The video piece describes the recent de-blinging trend in the Rap music industry and an artist has composed a rhyme expressing his dismay.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Slim Thug's Music Video - Still a Boss
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorRon Paul Interview

America's Saving Rate Highest In Fifteen Years

New numbers released indicate that Americans are currently saving, on average, 6.9% of their after tax income. In recent times that's very high, but if you click on the title above you'll discover that in the last 50 years it's merely average. Pay particular notice to the graph and the depths we reached just a few short years ago.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Workplace Suicides Spark French Outcry / Europe - Workplace suicides spark French outcry
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In a high profile example of the strain workers dwell under in transitional times, there have been an unusually high rash of suicides at the French telecom company. Click on the link above and decide whether this is a true crisis or primadonna. Though that may sound cold, a look deeper into the company finds that phone workers in France have a lot more job security than American telecom workers.